Charlie imagine

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"Cmon y/n!" Charlie said. The team was playing truth or dare and you didn't wanna join. You have liked Charlie for a while now but only Luis knows that. He keeps saying that Charlie likes you but you just can't believe it.

"No it's fine" "it won't be any fun without you"he said with puppy dog eyes. You were laying down in adams bed while everyone was in a circle on the ground. You close your eyes for a second,then was picked up and put on the floor. "Charlie what the heck?" You looked at him. "What? You didn't wanna come do I forced you"

"Fine" you guys played truth or dare and honestly it was super fun. You got Adam and Julie to kiss,and Dean to scream out the window, "dean Portman is a loser". You were laughing when you realized it was your turn.

Averman asked. "Truth or dare" you felt like a dare you be fun so you said. "Dare" Luis looked at you with a smirk. Oh lord you thought you know that smirk. Luis whispered in averman ear something you couldn't quite hear,but averman smirked at Luis and looked back at you.

"Y/n L/n, I dare you too......"

"Kiss the person you like,for 3 minutes."

"You can't be serious." "Oh but I am" "well y/n who is it?" Charlie looked at you. "Well-um- it's sorta you" "me?!" "You" Charlie pulled you in for a kiss that was long and delicate. A few seconds later you guys pulled away and look at each other.

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" "Yeah I guess Conway"

"Ok cmon guys you still have 2 minutes and 45 seconds left"

Charlie pulled you back in.

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