Kenny imagine

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Heyyyy this is for @shyann248

Kenny wu,geez I had a crush on him. He was the sweetest kid you could meet,and he definitely had good looks. Me and him were like best friends,even tho we only met a week ago.we spent all of our time together. Most of our talking was just flirting. I don't know if he thinks anything about it.

I knocked on his dorm door and Luis opened it, "hey Mendoza,Kenny here?" "Yeah he's sleeping,it's only 10 you woke me up" "ohhhh ok,tell him to come over when he wakes up" "you could just wake him up" Mendoza said moving to the side of the door so I could walk in. "Thank youuu" I said as I walked into the room to find a sleeping Kenny. "Where'd the rest of the boys go?" I whispered. "Breakfast"

I say on the edge of the bed and kinda nudged Kenny. "Cmon Kenny,wakey wakey" he stirred but just wouldn't wake up. I got really close to his face and said, "kenny! Cmonnnnn wake up" he did what I thought he wouldn't do. He woke up,sat up,looked at me,then pulled me down in his bed with him. He put his arm around my waist and put his face in the crook of my neck. "K-Kenny?" "Mhm?" "What are you doing?" "Trying to sleep" "w-wanna go get some brunch" "in a minute,let's just sit here for a little"

After sitting there with him for around 30 minutes I finally said, "ok Kenny,cmon wakey wakeyyyy" "I'm up babe" he said sitting up rubbing his eyes. "Where do you wanna go to eat? Wait-where's Luis??" I asked. "He left like 10 minutes ago,I've been up the whole time" he said smiling. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend,you don't have to if you don't want to" "I would love to Kenny,now before I kiss you go brush your teeth" I said kissing his cheek

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