Luis mendoza

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You and Luis were best friends since you could remember. You guys were on the same team in Miami and moved to the ducks together. He was always the nice quiet kid around other people. But not around you he was loud and funny. Well, you caught feelings. Only Connie and Julie know that though.

When you and the ducks moved to Eden Hall Luis started acting... well, like a jerk. He had this huge crush on this senior named Mindy. Like who names their child Mindy. I mean cool name but whatt. He wouldn't stop talking about her. And it got on your nerves. You always heard, mindy did this, mindy said that, mindy mindy mindy. Mindy had a boyfriend who looks like he could stomp on Luis.

You decided that you were done chasing after Luis when he liked mindy. So you started hanging out with Adam. I mean cmon Adam is beautiful,his hair is perfect and he's nice. Even though he's on Varsity. Right when you went on the ducks Adam was super sweet. He welcomed you and always talked to you. But of course you were still after Luis.

You've been talking to Adam for a few days and he was such a sweet kid. Like why didn't you talk to him before? But Luis, no one could beat Luis. Well little did you know Luis was angry. Super angry. I mean he also had feelings for you but he didn't think you liked him. So he went after Mindy.

After about a week of talking to Adam Luis asked to talk to you. You guys walked around campus. "So Luis what's up?" "Well nothing much. What's going on with you and Banks?" "Why?" "Cause I want to know." "Well what's going on with you and Mindy?" "She's cool I guess" "that's not what you were saying a week ago you were all over her." "Well the girl who I had my eye on is flirting with another guy." "Oh lord do you like Julie I know her and Dean were close." "No stupid" "then who. IS IT LINDA?!" "No.." "who?" "It's you y/n" "what" "did I stutter?" "I mean no? Are you serious tho?" "Ya, but aren't you and Adam talking?" "No silly we are just friends" "oh" "but I've liked you a while." "Really? So it's fine if I just" he gently grabbed your cheek and kiss you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and his went around your waist. "How about you be my girl." "I'd like that Mendoza"

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