Charlie imagine

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You were coach's daughter which made him very protective of you. You never had a boyfriend, and barley looked at boys. But you were at that age, you started to get into boys and stuff. Your father didn't like that.

When he started coaching the ducks he had you join since you liked hockey. It was super fun, your best friend on the team was Connie. And when Julie came,it was Connie and Julie. They were your life line.

Well you also started hanging out with Charlie. Since your dad and him were very close you were kinda forced too. But you guys had the same hobbies. When you guys were about 13 you became really close. You were always and I mean ALWAYS at his house.

Well you guys both caught feelings. And the fake flirting turned into real flirting.but everyone on the team thought you guys were playing around. Well Charlie thought you were joking and you thought he was.

One day Charlie got enough courage to ask you out. "Bugggggggg." (Bug is his nickname for u) "what's up?" "I have to ask you a question" he said looking at you. You sat on his bed next to him. "Ok? What's wrong" "nothings wrong." "My lord Charlie then what's up?" "Ok well," "well?" "Doyouwannagotothemovieswithme?" "I'm sorry I have no idea what you said all I heard was me." "Will. You. Go. On. A. Date. With. Me." "I. Guess." You said mocking him. "Really?" "Sure." "Ok I'll pick you up at 4" "alright see ya Charlie"

(I'm sorry it was short I'm running out of ideas. IF YOU HAVE IDEAS PLEASE COMMENT THEM thank you)

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