Adam banks imagine

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"Leave me alone banks" you were Charlie little sister,which meant you had to deal with Adam banks all the time. He basically lived at your house. If you were being honest you sorta liked him. But no one could know that.

You guys were enemies, everyone knew that. But right now you were walking home from a high school party. Your house was about 2 miles away and it was around 10. You left early because a guy tried to touch you and you got uncomfortable. Adam saw that and followed you. He hopped in his car and was now trying to get you to get in his car so he could take you home.

"Get in y/n. Let me take you home. Charlie will kill you." "Well too bad I guess I'm going to get killed" you were still walking and Adam was driving right next to you. "I'm not letting you walk 2 miles." "Why not?" "Be-because" "because what" "cause I'm not letting you" "again too bad" "I'll get you food on the way back to your house." "Promise?" "Promise" you said sticking your pinky through his window so you guys could do a pinky promise. "Geez y/n what are you 5?" "Yes I actually am" you said getting in his car." You guys drove a few minutes in silence when you got bored.

"Banks" "what" "can we turn on music?" "Sure" you reached to his radio and turned it on. The song Can't stop came on by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You loved this song. You started to sing along. Adam say this and looked at you with so much love in his eyes. Then he realized how he was looking at you.

No no no I'm not thinking of my best friends sister like that. Nope..... but I mean she is pretty,NO ADAM BANKS YOU CANT THINK THAT. Ugh ok maybe I'm crushing over her.

He started singing the lyrics with you. Now you guys were blasting it and singing along. At the end of the song you guys were laughing for a reason you guys didn't know. Finally you guys didn't feel like Enemies you guys felt mor close like friends.

"Dang Adam nice singing voice." "Oh shut it." "Just sayinggg" you guys got some food then went to the park. You guys sat on the bleachers and were goofing around. Adam dared you to kiss his cheek so you did both of you guys were a blushing mess. "Adam, I dare you to kiss me."  So that's what he did and it wasn't a peck one thing led to another and you guys were making out. You guys realized what time it was as hot back in his car. Your house was only a few minutes away.

When Adam dropped you off before you left you said, "hey Adam I had fun tonight." "Me too, hey I dare you to be my girlfriend." "Was that a question?" "Maybe" " ya I guess"

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