Luis mendoza imagine

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You and your 2 friends were sitting at a booth in a small diner. You saw 4 boys In the booth bin front of you. There was one with light brown hair,a blonde one,  one with longer black hair with a bandana,and one that caught your eye he had dark brown hair with brown eyes. You stared for a few seconds cause who wouldn't. He saw you staring at him and winked at you. You blushed and turned away quickly

"Hey y/n why is your face red?" Your friend, Jess said, she had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was like the mom friend. "Ooooo~ y/n are you blushing?" Your other friend Sarah said, she had long black hair with dark brown eyes,she was the wild one. "Shut up Sarah" "see now I know your it cause of the boys over there,one of them is looking at you" you looked up from the table and saw the same boy who winked at you. "Oooo~ Sarah's right bug, well I guess he's sorta cute but not my type." Bug was your nickname.

You guys got your food and started eating. When you guys were paying the bill you looked back up and saw the same guy laughing with his friends. You overheard their conversation.

"Cmon Luis nothing will happen if you don't ask her." The boy with light brown hair said. "Yeah,Charlie right,you have to try man" the one with bandana agreed. The blonde one nodded and said, "ya I mean cmon" "Fine fine fine!" The one who you were guessing was Luis said. "I mean I'll ask out her other friend,the one with black hair." Said the bandana boy. "Yeah I'm with Fulton,the blonde is cute" "I can't ask out any of them,me and Linda are doing good"

You guys got up and started walking out the door,you looked back and saw the boys scrambling to get up. You guys were going to a movie,the outsiders, it plays at the movie theater every Saturday.

Jess turned to you and said, "you know bug, that blonde friend of his was cute." "Yeah his friend with the bandana....Pretty fine" you were pretty aware of your surroundings so you looked back and saw the 4 boys laughing. "Hey we should stop at the gas station we could sneak in snacks" Sarah said eyeing the gas station. "Yeah cmon bug let's go" you shrugged and walked to the gas station with them. After a few minutes of goofing of you saw the boys walk in.

You were in the candy aisle looking for m&ms. "Hey" you looked up and saw the boy from the diner. "Hello?" "So- I was wondering-" he was stuttering and you found it hilarious,he stayed quiet for a few seconds then started talking again. "So what are you ladies doing?" "We are doing down to the theater" you said still looking for more candy. You heard Jess giggle snd looked over the aisle,you saw the blonde and Jess laughing. "Oh the one on green street?" "That's the one" then you heard Sarah's laugh, you looked over the other isle and saw her and the bandana one hitting it off. "So what's happened to your other friend the one with  the golden brown hair?" "Oh he had to go with his girlfriend." You nodded and got more candy.

You went to go get Jess and Sarah. You saw Sarah  and the bandana dude laughing. Dang they must really like this guy,they never give a boy the time of day. "Hey Sarah,cmon I got the candy" "alright one second" you walked over to the isle where Jess was and saw them talking,probably about space or something. "Hey Jess,cmon" "ok I'll talk to you later Adam" "For sure,Bye Jess" you walked back to the isle where Sarah was. "Hey Sarah-" you saw Sarah and the bandana kid making out. Sarah pulled away and looked at you. "Um- ok Fulton I need to go.... See you later" he nodded. You walked pass teh candy isle Amd saw Luis sitting there looking at candy.

"Hey do you have any candy recommendations." "Um sure..let me see,so razzles are good,m&ms,I don't know" "hm I never caught your name" "cause I never threw it to you." "Well can you" he said opening his hands like he was gonna catch something.
"Y/n,Y/n L/n" "Luis,Luis Mendoza" "you know who you look like" "who?" "Benny Rodriguez" "from the Sandlot?" "Yes" "I love that movie" "really?! Me too!" "I know when squints was drowning,I couldn't"

You grabbed Jess and Sarah and walked to the cashier. Right before you went to pay Luis came and put down his credit card. "Mendoza whatcha doing" "paying for a pretty girls stuff" the cashier chuckled and took the credit card and paid for it. "Oh whatever Mendoza thanks tho cmon let's go" Jess and Sarah followed you and you gain started walking to the movies. Luis Amd the boys ran up to you and said, "hey I didn't introduce everyone," he pointed to the bandana kid and said, "that's Fulton reed," then pointed to the blonde and said, "and that's Adam banks" "well I'm y/n that's Sarah and Jess" "do you guys wanna come to the movies with us?" Jess said blushing. "I mean...." He looks at Fulton and Adam. "Yeah,sure"

Fulton went to Sarah's side and Adam went to jess's. Luis came and put his arm around your shoulder,which was a little difficult since you were shorter than him by a lot. Fulton,Sarah,Jess,and Adam went and walked in front of us. "So L/N you do to the theater often?" "Yeah every Saturday,that's when the outsiders play" "oh I've never watched it" "eXcUsE mE" you shrugged his arms off him. "What's wrong?" "You don't know who Dallas Winston is?" "no..." "my lord Mendoza he's my husband" "wait- really?" "No" you said walking back over to him and putting his arm around you.

You guys got to the theater and throes to find your guy's friends. But they're ere sitting together like a pair they were spread out so you guys found different seats. "Here Mendoza" you said sitting down. Luis put his arm back
Around you and pulled you close. You looked at him and he looked back at you. You guys both moved closer and your lips connected. When you guys pulled away the movie started. "Ok Mendoza you have to pay attention" when dally came on you pointed and whispered in his ear "that's my husband"

When dally and Johnny died you curled up by Luis chest trying not to cry.

After the movie Luis was taking you to dinner since Jess and Sarah were hanging out with the boys. You guys went to this little restaurant and sat at a table. "So Mendoza how'd you like the movie?" " I thought it was amazing,also y/n you were cute when you cuddled next to me" "shut it" " I was just saying it was adorable" he said smirking at you.

After dinner he walked you home. When he allows you to your door you said, "wanna come in my parents aren't home" "he of course said yes.

You guys ummm-. Ok and the night went on.

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