Chapter 1 - Just a job

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Trying to open the door while holding 2 slices of pizza in one hand and grocery bag, book bag on the other isn't so easy.  Thank goodness for Cara, she must have heard me jiggle the keys and opened the door.

"PIZZA!" Cara snatched it out of my hand.

"You're home early."  I took off my flats after closing the door. Cara is already chowing down a slice.  "Save a slice for me and wait for salad."  I quickly ran to the tiny kitchen with the grocery bag to prepare a green salad.

We share this small one bedroom apartment in Manhattan, New York, it's close to my school NYU, I'm a full-time student and part-time waitress in an upscale restaurant nearby.   My roommate Cara from England works at a famous designer fashion boutique in SoHo, sounds fancy but her salary is mostly from commission, no sale, no pay type of a thing.  Cara is not the type of girl who would fit in the office environment.  She has the look, the British charm and the mouth to be a top saleswoman but still, it's not like people would splurge on a $700 blouse everyday so money is always tight especially when living in Manhattan.

How we met is another story.  A waiter from the restaurant accidentally knocked down an entire bottle of red wine to this lady's expensive dress, it wasn't all the waiter's fault but this bitch vowed to sue.  The restaurant owner doesn't want to deal with her and more importantly not to get a bad write up in Zagat so he fetched me to go to Cara's shop to buy an exact same dress.  The restaurant and her shop are not that far apart so we always bumped into each other and somehow we became best friends and then one day we talked about how hard it is to find a place with cheap rent plus getting a decent roommate in Manhattan and here we are, sharing this tiny place together.

"Sorry Car, there isn't much food for tonight, I have to save some money, finals are coming, I need more time to study, won't be able to work as much the next 2 weeks."  Tonight is my turn to pay for dinner.

"Don't worry about it." Cara devoured the pizza in no time.  "Hey, you want to make some quick bucks?"  She asked while picking on the salad in front of her.

"Nothing illegal Cara."  I warn her and taking a bite from my slice of pizza.

"Oh please, don't worry.  There's a party 3 weeks from now, after your finals.  The place needs food servers.  I'm in and I know they are still looking for more people and they asked me if I know someone." 

"What kind of party is this?  Are they going to sell drugs there?"  I asked knowing Cara doesn't do catering job of any kind.

"When I was still living in London, I met this rich woman who was a regular customer at my old job and one day she asked me if I could be a server for one night at her party and I went.   Two days ago I saw her at my shop in here, she bought a whopping $2200 dress for the upcoming party and she asked me if I'm available to help her again.  I was like, fuck yeah.  The London party's one night pay was like 3 months salary." 

I see dollar signs on Cara's eyes.  Ka-ching!   This sounds too good, there must be a catch especially when I know Cara can't even hold 2 cups in one hand, let alone serving other people.

"Come on Karl, it will be fun to work together and it's an easy job, easy money.  All you have to do is to serve caviar and champagne to these rich bastards.  I know you can do it, you are a fucking waitress."  Cara has the puppy eyes begging look on her face.

"Cara dear, tell me everything about this party.  There has to be more, what's the catch?"  I stared into her eyes.

"'s a party...a dance party...a sex party."  She reluctant to say it.

"WHAT?  NO! NO! NO!  Forget it."  I put my hands over my ears, don't even want to hear more.

Cara put one of my hands down, "Wait Karl, hear me out.  We are there to WORK, to serve food.  We are NOT attending the party.   You see the difference?  You got me?   Alright, some people will get fucked in front of our eyes but that's their business.  We are not doing illegal stuff, nothing filthy.  It's work, it's a job for one fucking night.  We are not selling ourselves.  Karl, just think about we could have salmon instead of pizza."  Cara is being realistic.

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