Chapter 9 - Parents

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Instead of leaving Los Angeles together, Taylor's publicist team wanted her to go to Nashville to start the rumor because there were less paparazzi compare to LA and NY.  They want to start something but don't want things to get out of hand.

I told Cara and Toni about it while we were on the plane. 

Toni patted my shoulder, "Karlie, it's just a rumor.  Don't worry about it."

"What if..."

"No what if.  Don't you trust her?"  Cara stopped me from saying more.

"I do but..."

"No if no but!"  Cara put one of her hands up to my face.  I sighed.

School started and Taylor is still in Nashville.  The rumor photos were all over the news.  Most of her fans think it's publicity and couldn't care less but like yin and yang some are happy for her.   Some of our supporters, yes, our Kaylor supporters can't stand this new guy and they are feeling bad for me.   Paparazzi took photos of me going to school with a stupid headline "Taylor Swift dumped Victor's Secret model Karlie Kloss"

"Karlie, calm down.  Media writes anything to get a sale."  Toni is having lunch with me in the park next to the school library.

"Did you talk to her?"

"Yeah, we spoke last night.  She's coming back this weekend but I have photo shoots line up already.  I'm leaving Friday after school to Miami so we won't see each other until...maybe next week."  I lost my appetite and put the salad away.

"Don't forget our get together with Cara next weekend."  Toni reminded me.

"I won't forget, it's marked on the calendar.  I make sure I'm free that day.  Funny how Cara and I share the apartment but we hardly get to see each other now.  She's flying all over the world and many times I was sleeping when she came home or vice versa."

"Ask Taylor to join us.  I'm thinking maybe we could go to the beach in Long Island.  It's off season now, there shouldn't be that many people."

"That's a good idea.  I'll check with her, thanks."  We parted when class begin.


I immediately grabbed the back of Taylor's neck and smacked lips with her when she opened her penthouse door but only being pushed away. 

"Taylor!"  I was going to complain but I realized there were other people at her place.

Taylor was clearly embarrassed, "Mom, dad, meet Karlie."  We walked to the living room. Taylor introduced me to her parents who were smiling to me.

Sweat began to pour, I'm sure my face can't get any redder.  "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Swift.  Nice to meet you.  Sorry, I ah, I was...ah...I didn't kn..."

"Don't worry kiddo, it's okay."  Taylor's mom said and gave me a hug.

"We heard so much about you."  Taylor's dad shook my hand and gestured me to sit on the couch across from him while Taylor and her mom went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.  Dibbles came to the living room and jumped on to my lap.

I was nervous, I was rubbing Dibbles with one hand and rubbing the side of my jeans with the other hand.  I didn't expect to meet her parents so soon.  Her dad asked me about school, about modeling, about the future.  Before Taylor calling us dinner is ready his dad said to me, "I'm glad you don't think modeling is a career and want to venture into other things."

By dinnertime I was more relaxed and we had a wonderful home cooked meal.  Her parents made me feel warm and welcome.  I couldn't stay longer since her parents were staying with her. 

"I told my parents about us and explained to them about the rumor."  We were standing at the foyer, our arms wrapped around each other's waist.

"Thank you for inviting me over to meet them.  They accepted me because they love you."  I pulled her in for a tighter embrace.

"I know, I'm so lucky.  Meet my brother next time, you'll like him."  Taylor nested her face to my neck.

"My family lives in St. Louis.  They will be here for my graduation, I already told them about us on the phone, my sisters are excited to meet you." 

"Can't wait to meet them.  Hey, I'll come pick you girls up on Saturday to Long Island."

"Sure, I better go now, gotta go studying."  I gave her a quick kiss and left her place, surprisingly there's no paparazzi waiting downstairs.


We chatted like high school girls on the drive from Manhattan to Long Island.  Autumn is around the corner, there aren't many people on the beach and we brought beach towels and picnic basket to have a nice outdoor lunch.

"I met Karl Lagerfeld last week in Paris and he might have me to walk his shows.  This is crazy, remember what Monica said."  We all laughed and explained to Taylor how Cara got into the business.

"How did you girls meet?"  Taylor asked.

The three of us looked at each other.  Cara has the sheepish grin on her face, "Karl and I are roommates and we met Toni at a college party."  She then went on to tell Taylor how we became roommates.

After lunch we stroll along the beach.  Taylor is wearing a tan hiking shorts to show off her long legs and long sleeves light blue Oxford shirt.  I'm wearing black trainer pants and neon green hoody.

"Are you cold babe?"  I'm looked at her exposed legs.

It's overcast and we are facing the Atlantic Ocean, even though it's early October but the wind is kind of chilly.

I put my arm around her waist to pull her closer as we walk on the soft sand.  Cara and Toni walked ahead of us, playing with the cold ocean water.

A mother and daughter came to us and asked Taylor for a picture, she wouldn't say no.  I know it's time for us to head back.

We dropped Toni off and when we reached our place, Cara got off but Taylor pulled me back and said "Stay at my place tonight."  Cara heard it, she winked at me and said, "Go Karl, have a nice eve."

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