Chapter 2 - The Party

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Cara, Toni and I are filling up champagne glasses and putting h'orderves on trays at the food counter.   We will switch later with other servers to walk around with the trays.   Everything is ready; we are just waiting for guests to arrive.  A few servers are standing by the entrance with champagne ready.   Thank goodness the music in where we are isn't as loud, we don't have to scream at each other.

"So Toni, what do you do for a living?"  Slick mouth Cara is being nosy.

"I'm a NYU student and a part-time model."  Toni replied with a monotone voice.

"Really?  I go to NYU also."  I got excited.

Toni finally smiled and her voice is more cheerful now, "What is your major?"

"Computer Science, I like programming.  I'm a nerd."  I blushed.  "And what's your major?"

"Political Science but I might change it.  Programming sounds fun except I'm terrible in Math."  She chuckled.

While Toni and I are chatting Cara is helping herself sampling the h'orderves.

"Car!  Daisy will kill you!  Stop eating."  I slapped her hand from reaching another piece and looked around to see if Daisy is in sight.   The party room area is dim but the food counter is not, there's track lighting above us.

"No she won't, no one is going to eat.  There will be so much leftover for us to take home anyway.  So Toni, you are a model?"  Cara talked with her mouthful.

"Just part-time, mainly with shopping catalogs but I want to try runway modeling."  Toni is now trying the h'orderves also.

"Wow, this stuff is good.  Karlie, you should try one."  Toni handed me a piece.

"Nope, I don't want to get into trouble."  I waved my hand.

"Don't bother with Karlie, she's a goody two shoes."   Cara said as she is still chewing.

"You should try modeling.  You have the height, the look.  I like how you pulled your hair up into a bun."  Toni eyeing me up and down.

I feel warm all over my body, kind of touching my dirty blonde hair and said, "Thanks, I like fashion but just don't have the wallet for it and never thought I could be a model."

"You should think about it.  Hey, did you guys notice there are more female guests than male on the guest list?"  Toni continued.

"Yeah it was the same thing in London and one of the guest rules is men are not allowed to interact with women unless they're approached first before they eventually fuck each other's brain out. Ha ha ha..."  Cara's mouth has no limit.

"You know, I still can't believe some of the names on the list..."  I paused.  "Especially her.... I mean she is such a sweetheart.  Why on earth is she doing in a place like this?" 

"Karlie, I think I know whom you are referring to.  You are so cute and innocent.  Celebrities have public images, they could be God in front of their fans but sinners when they are not in public view.  They are humans just like us."  Toni is being logical.

"Just like us NOT, they have fame and money."  Cara snapped.

"I think I might faint if she starts here..."  I looked down at my shoes.

"Now THAT I want to watch for sure."  Cara laughed along with Toni.

I was going to say something back but noticed a server near the entrance was giving us a signal, indicating guests have arrived.   Daisy has set up a greeting area outside the party room to check for credentials, once checked, guests enter the party room with a welcoming glass of champagne.

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