Chapter 8 - Rumor

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Many Victoria's Secret models attended the Debut Party for Toni, Cara and I.  Media was thrill to meet us and we did many interviews at the party.  News quickly spread on the internet with photos and videos.  Thousands immediately followed our official Instagram accounts.

Taylor prepared food and drinks for the celebration party at her penthouse for the girls to come after our Debut Party.  She also invited model friends Lily, Martha, Gigi as well.  With many hugs and kisses, we walked into Taylor's place with a table full of food from pizza, pasta, and fried chicken to salad.  Cara almost cried when she found out Taylor made bacon especially for her.

Other than Lily, Toni and Cara, the other women have no clue that Taylor and I were an item but it didn't take long for them to figure it out.  We can't keep our hands off each other.  Not that we were doing anything dramatic but little gestures like my hand is somehow always on Taylor's lower back so low that it was practically on her behind and Taylor would wrap both her arms around me like a koala bear plus we hold hands naturally without being awkward, our eyes followed each other constantly.  Taylor's eyes sparkle like sunshine when she talks about me.

"Karlie, Toni, you two start school next week?"  Lily asked over dessert at the dining table.

"Yeah, it's our last semester."  I replied while eating a cookie.

"Study will be tough."  Toni said.

"I don't know how you girls do it."  Martha envies them.

"Gotta admire them, I definitely don't have the brain for it."  Cara said.

They helped Taylor clean up the place before leaving for the night.

"Can you stay?"  Taylor asked me while doing dishes.  I have my arms wrapped on Taylor's waist from behind.

"I wish I could.  We are flying out early tomorrow morning to Miami then Dallas and last stop Los Angeles to do Fall promotion tour."  kissing Taylor's neck. 

"I promise to come here when I'm back.  It's only going to be 10 days."

"But you will start school then." Taylor's lips pouted.

"I'm sorry babe."  I turned Taylor around to give her a long passionate kiss before leaving.

Paparazzi were snapping photos when we left Taylor's building.  News media's article titled as
"Taylor Swift adding new Victoria's Secret models to her BFF list"


Both Miami and Dallas promotions were well received, fans lined up to meet us at various Victoria's Secret stores.  We had our last leg of the tour in Los Angeles.  Toni and Cara came to my hotel room after the first promotion day.

"What's your school schedule Toni?"  I asked Toni while looking at my own schedule, I want to compare hers and see if they could meet in school.

"Cara, where are you going to be after this tour?"  Toni looked at her appointment book and asked Cara.

"I'm going to be in London and then Paris.  Let's see...I guess we could meet up 3 weeks later."  Cara pointed a date on the calendar.

"Sounds good, let's mark it down."  We took out our phones to mark the date.

"I can't believe we have to make appointment to meet up.  Hahaha..."  Cara said.

"This whole thing is like a dream and I'm dating Taylor Swift.  Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night thinking it must be a dream."  I shook my head.

"Thanks to the sex party!  We should attend Daisy's next sex party."  Toni said and we all laughed hysterically.

"Taylor will kill you for sure."   Cara teased me.

"You two are so adorable together."  Toni said.

"I'm a lucky girl. Speaking of her, it's the daily FaceTime moment."  I got the connection set up with Taylor.

  After a brief chat with Taylor, Toni and Cara went back to their rooms.

"How's your day babe?"  Taylor asked.

"Promotion went well.  I'll be back in 3 days hon." 

"I miss you dearly."

"Me too, can't wait to see you."

The next day promotion went well according to schedule.  We had dinner with the promoter before heading back to the hotel.

I came out of the shower and am about to connect to FaceTime when there's a knock on my door.  Door opened and it's Taylor.  I was stunned.

""  I stuttered. 

"Aren't you going to let me in?"  Taylor is smiling at me.  I stepped aside to let her go inside.

When I turned around after the door was closed I see Taylor standing in the middle of the room with her arm opened wide, I immediately went over and gave her a much needed hug.  We held each other tight for a while then I started to kiss the top of her head then temple then cheek then nose then finally her luscious red lips.  Softly cupping Taylor's face I tenderly kissed her delicate lips as if they are the most precious things in the world.  We parted to catch air with our foreheads touching. 

"I miss you."  We both said it at the same time.

"Why are you here?  Don't tell me you come all the way out here just to surprise me."  I know there has to be another reason.  Not that Taylor wouldn't do something like this but I'm going back to New York tomorrow night.

I took her hand and let her sit on the edge of the bed.  "I have to re-record a song, not staying long and if everything goes well we can leave together tomorrow night.

"I also have something else to discuss with you."  She pulled me to sit next to her.

"The media has been taking a lot of pictures of us and my publicist is not too fond of them.  They want us to stop being seen in public and..."  Taylor looking at her heels.

I lifted her chin, "And what?  You can tell me."  I looked at her ocean blue eyes.

Taylor sighed.  "They want me to put out some dating rumor...with a guy."  She looked down again.

Without saying anything, I curled myself up to bed and lean against the headboard.  Taylor took off her heels and got on bed next to me, wrapping me with her arms.

"Kar, this is just a tactic.  They signed a new guy named CH, they want to promote him, and the fastest way to get him notice is to date Taylor Swift."  I remain silent.

"Babe, we are just going to let paparazzi take some photos and rumor will spread fasten than Ebola." 

"We are not doing anything, not even kissing or holding hands, nothing.  Really."

"Kar, talk to me."  She put her head against my chest.

I ran my fingers through her blonde locks, bent down to kiss her the top of her head.

"It's okay.  I understand."  I said it with a bitter tone.

"Tree just wants our rumor to die down and it's the best way to promote the guy."

"Right and if that guy has talent there's no need to do this kind of crap."  I let it out finally.

"Kar, please trust me."  Taylor sat up, got on top of me and gave me a gentle kiss. 

"I do but the media can be so cruel, especially on you."  My hand is rubbing her back up and down.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle them."  She gave me a quick kiss and got out of bed.

"Wait, where are you going?"  I was thinking we could spend the night together.

"I'm going back to the studio or else we won't be able to leave together tomorrow."  Taylor put her heels back on, gave me a goodbye kiss before leaving.

I groaned the rest of the night and dreamed about Taylor dating this guy.

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