Chapter 17 - Gathering

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When Gigi and I came out of the ladies' room Taylor was gone. I sighed and let out a sigh of relief, really don't want to deal with her tonight.

"Karlie, are you okay?" Gigi asked."I'm fine, why are you asking?" I avoid eye contact with her."Look, I'm not blind. You and Taylor are my friends. I want the best for the both of you, I want you two to be happy, together."

"She obviously is not with me."

"I don't know about the deal with her and that guy but they sure don't look like a couple to me." I didn't comment and we walked back to the dining area.

Many guests already left for the After Party. Cara came up to me, "Kar, let's go to the party together." I nodded while Gigi went looking for her sister Bella in the crowd.

The After Party was in walking distance from the museum. Once again paparazzi had a field day, they were snapping photos from all directions. The party was packed with many people; while Cara and I were dancing I got stepped on from a drunken woman's spike heel. The heel was sharp; it ripped through the top of my right foot. Cara helped me get to the bar and the bartender tend the wound with a band-aid. We then sat by the bar since I can't dance now.

"Kar, you drank too much tonight." Cara stopped me from ordering more. Normally I wouldn't get wasted like this but tonight after seeing Taylor I needed something to numb myself.

"I need it"

"No you don't. It's all PR stunt, they are not real. It's not like she is cheating on you. She's doing this to protect you." Cara is defending Taylor.

"I know but it hurts seeing her with that guy. I love her, I really love her." I was drunk talking, not knowing Taylor was standing behind me.

Afterwards I faintly remember Cara and someone else helped me got into the car but the rest was a blur, I simply passed out.

Pain coming from the wound on my foot woke me up. I noticed a body is lying next to me on bed, which I'm not surprised because Cara is staying with me while she is in New York. I lift up the blanket to check the now swelling wound just to be shocked by the blood soaked band-aid. There's movement next to me.

"Car, maybe I should go see a doc." I groaned. The body next to me said, "Oh my God!" and she jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I'm sitting on bed thinking that doesn't sound like Cara.I hear cabinet door opened and then running water sound from the bathroom. The person came back out with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a tube of antibiotic ointment and bandages. She quickly kneeled next to my foot and gently peels off the bloody band-aid, cleaned the wound, applied the ointment and put on a new bandage while I quietly watch."

Taylor, what are you doing in here?" I'm just shocked to see her. What happened last night?

Taylor lifted her head to look at me "I guess I'll be going." She got out of bed. I noticed she's wearing my T-shirt and lacey black underwear.

"Wait." I got up, hopped to where she is and put my arms around her.

"I'm sorry for what I said last night. I was just mad seeing you and him together." I nested my head to her neck. My mind is clear now, knowing I shouldn't blame everything on her.

Taylor didn't say a word; she just let me hold her tight for a while. When our eyes finally meet, I couldn't help but to kiss her.

"I love you Tay."

Taylor sighed. "I know but this jealousy thing has to stop. It's hurting both of us."

"I understand, I promise I won't say stupid things anymore." I kissed her again.

"And you need to compensate what you said to me last night."

"Huh?" Taylor then pushed me back to bed and started to unbutton my pajamas.

"Tay...Cara is in the other room..."

"No, she's not. She is staying with Gigi and won't be back until tonight because she knows it will take me all day to torture you."

"My foot hurt." I tried to talk her out of this.

"Don't worry hon, I promise I won't bite it." Taylor has the most devilish look on her face.

Hours later.....

"Kar, we need to step up on the PR stunt." Taylor is lying next to me playing with my hair.

I groaned. "Stop that. You are going to be in it this time."

"WHAT?!" I sat up and looked at her eye to eye.

"I am going to throw a get together with him, you, and a few others at my place. Paps will be called to take photos to make it look like I'm introducing him to my circle of friends, especially you."

"NO!" I folded my arms and pouted my lips.

"Yes!" Taylor sat up and wraps her long legs around me from behind.

"NO!" Taylor started to kiss the back of my neck.

"You have to be there. You are the main purpose of having this stunt." Her hands are caressing my abs from behind.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes honey. You have to." I groaned before she got up and straddled in front of me. "Because you love me." She kissed me lightly on the lips. "Also because I love you."

To the general public, we haven't been seen together for weeks so it was a good excuse for Taylor to throw a small gathering. She called Lena, her boyfriend Jack, Gigi to join us. By now Gigi knows about us and Taylor informed Lena and Jack of the situation. The weather was beautiful, hot and sunny. I decided to make Taylor drool for the night by wearing an off the shoulder crop top and a long black skirt with a super high slit to show off my legs. She has to control herself not to touch me tonight because CH has no idea of our relationships. I'm going to enjoy watching her being punished.

I can see the amount of paparazzi waiting outside Taylor's building when my cab made the corner turn. At least New York paps behaved, unlike those in LA with "in your face" shots. I got out from the cab and immediately they were calling my name. I took my sweet time to let them take as many photos as they want.

Taylor opened the door and gasped when she saw my outfit. I gave her a peck on the cheek and whispered to her ear, "No touching tonight." She groaned behind me as we walked to the living room. "Gigi, you should get a cat." I said to Gigi who is on the floor playing with Dibble. Taylor took out the camera and took a snapshot of her and the cat. Lena was sitting on the couch watching TV with Mer. I gave her a hug and Mer was purring at me."Mer loves everyone but me." Taylor sounded jealous. We found Jack and CH in the poolroom. Taylor introduced CH to me for the first time. I shook his hand but say nothing more. He understood everything is PR stunt so he didn't try to do anything stupid with Taylor when they are out of paps sight. Dinner turned out to be pleasant, Taylor made vegetarian chili and we had a nice chat after. Jack, Lena and Gigi took turns to leave to give paps enough time to take photos. Taylor's security guards took CH to their place to stay for the night.

I picked up my purse and getting ready to leave when Taylor stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Huh? I thought I can't stay, paps are waiting outside."

"I don't care." She walked closer to me, took my purse and threw it back on the couch.

"You look too sexy to leave" I have a big grin on my face when she said that.

"But if I stay it will ruin the stunt."

"Don't worry, tomorrow morning CH will leave from the front door so paps could take photos while you leave through the backdoor. No one will know." She started to plant small kisses on my neck.

"You sure planned everything out."

"Stop talking, we have more important things to do for the night." She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to the bedroom...

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