Chapter 4 - The Ball

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"Earth calling Taylor."  Lily is getting annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I was lost in wonderland."

"Lost in where?"

"Never mind, tell me more about Carly."  Taylor is dying to find out more about her hero.

"God, you have to see her body, the girl has incredible jaw-dropping abs, legs for days and after they got her all dolled up with the perfect hair and makeup, she is HOT.  I mean she is babelicious!"

Taylor unconsciously licked her lips. "Lily, can I meet her?"

"Why?  If anything you should stay away from her and the other 2 girls.  You don't want people to know you were at that sex party.   I don't have a choice since we are working in the same company but you don't want to take a chance even though I don't think they recognize me."

Taylor sighed.  "You're right.  Argh!  I hate that sex party!  By the way, did you get an invitation to Children's Charity Ball next month?"

"Yes, it came in the mail a few days ago."

"The new chairperson Daisy Johnson, is she the same person who organized the sex party?"

"Yes, Daisy's sex party was wild but she actually does many great charity works, it's how she became friends with the royalties, she's a wonderful woman.  Ed received an invitation as well, I think he says he might bring the new girls to the ball."

Taylor finds herself hyperventilating for a few seconds.  "I am going to the ball."

"Tay, just stay away from them, okay?   We don't know these girls, let's play it safe."

"Okay mom.  I need to go find something to wear to the ball."


Toni, Cara and I met up in a restaurant near VS office after an all day studio photo shoot.  We are going to be the main focus on VS's Fall catalog and because Toni and I will be back in school in 3 months, they want to get as many photo shoots as possible in the summer.  Ed said we might need to go to California in a few weeks to shoot a different photo series.

Cara yawned.  "I need beauty sleep."

"You just need to stop playing video games after working all day."  I snapped at her.

"I think I changed more than 10 times today for the shoot."  Toni said.

"Mine was like 30 times.  The latest I've heard from Ed was he wants us three not only to be the Fall catalog focus but for next Spring as well and..."  I paused to keep them in suspense.

"And what Karl?"  Cara is being impatient now.

Food came when I was about to tell them.   Cara is now too busy with her bacon, couldn't care less on what I'm about to say.

"Karlie, go on."  Toni is eating her fries while I'm biting my veggie burger.

"There's a high chance we are on their annual VS Fashion Show."   The girls stopped eating once I said that.

"Are you serious Karl?"  "Really Karlie?"

"Monica says Ed wants to take the opportunity to introduce us to the world.  It's not 100% confirm yet but we'll see."  I took another bite of the burger.  "Another thing, I want to discuss with y'all about the charity ball."

"Shoot Karl."  "What is it?"

"I'm thinking of giving my share of the pay and tip from that night to the charity as a donation.  It's not that I don't need money but with the VS contract I have a steady income now so I don't have to worry about next semester."   I looked at both of them.

"Karl, I think that's a great idea.  I'll do the same."  Cara said.

"Wonderful idea, count me in and let's talk to Daisy."  Toni took out her phone to call Daisy.  

After Toni's conversation with Daisy, "Daisy says we are too sweet and she only wants us to help out when they really need help, she wants us to enjoy the ball." 

"I've never been to a ball before.  What are we going to wear?"  Cara asked.

"Well, we will be in server uniforms.  We are sort of working, you know."  I remind her.


A few hours before the start of the charity ball, Toni, Cara and I went to Gotham Hall through the back entrance.   Paparazzi and TV stations have set up cameras outside Gotham Hall's main entrance waiting for the stars to arrive.

Daisy gave us the server uniforms to change.  It's a black tie event, even the uniforms look upscale - black shirt with gold buttons, black pants and a gold buttons front military style black jacket with gold fastening on sleeves.  I put my hair up to a bun.

"Karl, you look so good in it."  Cara took a photo of me using her phone.

"I think we both look good with this uniform."  I said while looking at the mirror.

Toni came out of the dressing room, "Wow Karlie, you look really good."  I smiled to Toni who looks great as well.

We went out to the ballroom to see Daisy.   She basically has a team of helpers already , we are just extras so she told us to hang around as standbys.    We looked around to appreciate this grand ballroom inside the landmark building with granite walls, solid limestone columns, brass doors and the spectacular gilded stained glass ceiling.

They've set up casino gaming tables on one side, buffet on the other side, in the middle of the ballroom is a huge dance floor, the rest of the room are round tables with light purple table cloths and each table has a huge flower center piece.  They also set up a small podium with a mic facing all the tables, crews are still busy checking all the lavish detail.

After an hour, guests begin to arrive.  We were standing near the service area but could see the entrance.  Whenever we see load of camera flashes, we know it must be someone famous at the entrance.

"I recognize that guy, he was at the you know what party.   His wiener is the size of a peanut."  Cara laughed

"Shhh..."  Toni put her finger to her lips.

Most tables are filled now, Daisy is busy flying from one end to the other greeting everyone.     All of the sudden there were a lot of shouting at the entrance, everyone turned their heads but were blinded by the amount of flashes.  After awhile few people walked into the ballroom, it's Taylor Swift with Lily Aldridge and followed by Ed Razek and Taylor's publicist Tree Paine.


Taylor was excited to find out from Lily that Ed is going to bring his new models to the ball, she's making sure she looks her best, especially for Carly.  She personally called one of her favorite designers to design a custom gown for her.

Her gown arrived a day before the ball and her hair and makeup team were at her place two hours before the party to doll her up.

When she stepped out from the limo, everyone was in awe, she's in a sleeveless bare back black embroidery lace Elie Saab Atelier full length gown with a very high slit on the side to show off her amazing long legs in Louboutin heels, sublime yet so very sexy.  Matching pink diamond earrings and rings to accent her flawless skin with smoky eye makeup and killer red lips.   Her publicist Tree pulled her away from the blinding flashes, she could finally breathe when she is inside the building and then she saw Ed and Lily smiling to her.

"That was some entrance."  Ed joked, he and Lily arrived right before Taylor and Tree.

Taylor looked around for the new girls but she only saw Ed and Lily.  She couldn't ask but felt disappointed.  Lily put her arm to Taylor's "Let's go party." and they walked to the ballroom.


Taylor took my breath away when she walked in.  She looked beautiful in the black gown.  I saw her sat in the same table with Daisy and other VIP's.   All guests have arrived and Daisy went to the podium to make a speech thanking all the supporters while meals are being served.

"Hey ladies, take the salads to table #1."  a server said behind us so the three of us took the plates and head to table #1 where Taylor, Lily and Ed were.

Ed was delighted to see us, he said to the guests at the table.  "I want to introduce you to my three new Victoria's Secret models, Karlie, Toni and Cara, they are doing volunteer work tonight."  We smiled to everyone and excused ourselves back to our post.

"Did you see Taylor Swift's face when she saw Karlie?  I thought her eyes would pop right out."  Cara said.

"I love her gown.  It looks like Elie Saab."  Toni looking at table #1.


Taylor thought it's going to be a boring party especially when she is sitting at a table with a bunch of older men but glad Lily is sitting next to her.  She was about to ask Lily where are the new models.  A voice behind her said "Your salad Miss Swift."  Taylor recognized the voice, she tilted her head and looked up quickly, it's Carly.  She thought she will faint right there on the spot and then Ed introduced the models to everyone.  How sweet of Carly doing volunteer work tonight.


"Entree time."  the voice behind us said.

"I'll take Taylor's."   I grabbed her plate again and walked towards table #1 while Cara and Toni smirked behind me.

"Miss Swift, here's your steak."  I put down the plate in front of her.  She looked up and smiled at me, "Than...Thank you Carly."  I returned with a big grin on my face and I saw her blushed but after that we were busy serving other tables.  When I finally got back to my post Taylor was gone from her table, maybe she left already, I sighed.   I felt a bit sluggish but it was nice seeing her tonight.

Dinner was served and most people are on the dance floor now.   There wasn't much for us to do, so Toni and Cara enjoyed themselves on the dance floor.  I walked to the service area on the other end to see if they could use my help but before reaching the area, there were flashes going left and right.  I see Taylor taking pictures with a line of people and God knows how long she's been standing there.  Her bodyguard and publicist were nowhere to be found.   I stood there for awhile to watch her but the line is getting ridiculously longer and longer.   I gotta do something, I walked to her, softly grabbed her hand and said out loud, "Ms. Johnson is looking for you." and pulled her away from the crowd.  I took her walk pass the service area, pass the kitchen to the empty staff room in the back and closed the door behind us.  Taylor was stunned. 

"Have a seat Taylor, your feet must be tired."  I pointed to the couch.

"You kidnapped me here so I can take a break?"  Taylor smiled at me.

I nodded.  She took off her heels and sat on the old leather couch.

"I'll be right back."  I said to her and went to the kitchen.

I came back with a tray filled with a can of Diet Coke, a piece of rainbow cake with ice-cream and cookies

Taylor was captivated.  "Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you."

I opened the can of soda and poured it to a glass for her.

"At least you can have dessert in peace."  I said while watching her eat the cake happily like a child.

"I'm used to it already.  At least I get to finish eating the steak tonight.  Don't stand there, come sit with me and have some cookies."  She patted the seat next to her.

I know it's the price of fame but I feel bad for her.

"So you are the new VS model?"  Taylor drinking the Diet Coke.

"Yeah, Toni and I walked to VS office and they hired us on the spot."  I laughed, still can't believe that.

"I can see why.  You know, one day you will have fans line up waiting to take pictures with you."

"No way.  I'm not a superstar like you."

"Mark my word Carly."

"Is this Elie Saab?"  I pointed to her gown.

"Yes, beautiful isn't it?"

"It looks gorgeous on you."  Her face is in a deeper shade of red.

"Hey, can I have your number?   Lily is my friend and she works for VS also."

"Sure, I met Lily before."  Taylor gave her phone to me, I entered my contact info.

She looked at the phone when I gave it back to her,  "Karlie?  I always thought it spelled C-a-r-l-y."

"Always?"  I smiled.  Taylor slipped.  Officially tonight it's the first time we met.

"I mean...I mean..."  She stuttered.

I patted her hand, "It's okay."  I don't want to put her on the spot.

Her phone buzzed, her publicist Tree is looking for her, she got up from the couch.  "Karlie, it's was nice meeting you and thank you so much for the cake and cookies."  She gave me a hug before leaving the room.


Taylor is in the limo with Tree.  "Where were you?"

"I was in a private room taking a break."


"Karlie was with me, one of Ed's new models."

Taylor is thinking back how tall and handsome Karlie was and how she grabbed her hand and rescued her from the mob of people, her hand was warm and protective like before.  With that thought, Taylor txt Karlie [You rescued me, thank you again Karlie.  Goodnight. *kissing lips emoji*]

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