Chapter 15 - Ouch!

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It's 4 in the morning.  Dibbles and Mer are sleeping on the couch in the living room, across from them is Taylor and I.

I'm lying on the couch with my head on Taylor's lap since we came back to her penthouse.  Both our heels were off but we still have our designer gowns on.  We've been like this for a while, neither one of us wants to be the first to say anything.

"Just how long are you going to PR this guy?"  I finally broke the silence.

"I had a talk with Tree tonight...after you left the party."  Taylor said softly, playing my locks with her fingers.

I sat up, put my feet on the couch and shifted my body to face her.

"I told her this PR thing has to stop soon before I have a nervous breakdown."  Taylor looked at me with tears in her eyes.  I moved closer to wipe it off then curled up with my head on her chest.

"They were planning to PR him for 6 months, something longer than my previous relationships but Kar, I can't take it anymore, it's breaking my heart to see you suffer."  Taylor is sobbing, she bent down and put her face on the top of my head.

"You're not happy, I'm not happy, media and fans are not buying it, there's no point to continue and more importantly I don't want to lose you.  Seeing you getting hurt about the whole thing is killing me."   Taylor hugged me tightly.

"He will not show up on my birthday next week.  That is going to be the first hint to media that he and I are not together anymore."   I got up, pulled my gown up so I can straddle Taylor on the couch, wrapping her body with both of my arms and let her head lean against my chest.

"Tay, I'm just so frustrated.  I know this whole thing isn't real, wasn't your fault and I know your team is guarding your career, you agreed to do it to protect me but when I see you with that guy I have this uncontrollable rage, I get so mad, so upset."  Jourdan is right, we need to talk it out.  There's a sense of relief after I told her how I feel.

"You don't need to be mad anymore, the whole thing is going to be over soon."  Taylor holding me tight.

"But what's going to happen after?  Are they going to find another CH?"  There's always this fear in me.

"No, I won't let that happen again.  I want to come out but not now."  Taylor pulled away from my chest so she could look deeply into my emerald eyes.

"Your career just started, coming out might not be a good idea.  For now we should just stay low in public for a while, if that's alright with you?"   

"Sounds like a plan."  I'll do anything as long as she is not "dating" a guy again.

" I'm sorry I ruined your party tonight Kar.  You did such a good job on the show.  You're my angel."  Taylor is leaning back to my chest again.

"You were great as well.  What would you like to do on your birthday?"  

Taylor fell asleep on me.  I looked at my watch, it's almost 5 in the morning.  I slowly slided myself off her to let her lie down.  I got a blanket from the guest room and put it on her.   Now where am I going to sleep?  I don't want to go to Tay's bedroom while she sleeps in the living room.  Dibbles and Mer are on the other couch, I better not wake them up or else Mer will scratch me to death.  Heck, I'll sleep right on the rug next to Taylor's couch.  I got more blankets and a pillow, took my Dior gown off and went to sleep.

I was having a sweet dream when I felt pain on my side.  I groaned

"Oh my God!  Sorry babe, I didn't mean to step on you."   Taylor put her hand on my side to ease the pain then got down to the floor and wrapped herself on me.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?"  Her hand is rubbing my side gently.

"Because a piglet fell asleep on me, oink, oink."  I made this pig squealing sound and was laughing until Taylor slapped me hard on the same spot she stepped on earlier.  

"OUCH!"  I put my hand on the spot.  Taylor got scared.  "Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.  Let me take a look."  She lifted the blanket and went silent.  I'm on my side, not facing her so I have no clue what is going on.

"Is it bruised?"  I asked, worrying about it now because I have a photo shoot tomorrow.

"No...just a little bit red but..."  Taylor said slowly.

"But what?"  I turned around to face her and saw her eyes staring down into my body then I realized I only have bra and panties on.

I smirked.  "You like what you see hon?"  Taylor quickly nodded like a child.

"Good!  Cause you are NOT getting any!  I need more sleep."  I pulled the blanket over me and turned my body to face the other side once again.  I hear some commotion behind me and then Taylor got under the blanket wrapped herself to me.  I begin to sweat because I could feel her naked body.  I turned around to face her.  She smirked like how I was before.  "You like what you feel babe?"  Without giving her an answer, I started to caress her body and devoured her moans in my mouth.

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