Chapter 3 - Models

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It's 5:00am, security guards had to carry the last drunken oversexed half naked guy out of the party so we can begin the messy disgusting clean up.  I'm glad Cara, Toni and I only have to deal with food, I wouldn't want to go near any of the rooms upstairs.  Cara is right again, there were so much leftover food and we’re going to OD on h'orderves the next few days.

As I was taking the garbage out to the hallway I saw a mask at the back exit, it's Taylor's mask.  Daisy prepared a bunch of masks for those who didn't bring them and each one is unique.  I was able to face Taylor up close last night so I recognized her mask.  I picked it up and asked Daisy if I could have it, she says keep it.

2 hours later the penthouse looked empty like before, all the mattresses were gone, floor is clean, food, drinks were packed.  Staff gathered in the main room and Daisy walked in with everyone's pay in her hands.

"What an excellent job you guys did, I thank you all." Daisy then handed out all the envelopes.

"I have an announcement to make.  I am hosting a charity ball next month in Gotham Hall; it's a huge event.  I already have a team of helpers but could always use extra hands.  I really appreciate your service and would like all of you to come help me again.  This isn't a sex party so don't worry about seeing naked people running around."  Everyone laughed.  "This is a charity to benefit needy children so there will be multimillionaires, aristocrats and celebrities.  Well, basically the same group of people but with clothes on and no mask."  Some of us were laughing hard on Daisy's remark.

We thanked Daisy and took one last look at the place before leave the building.  On our way down in the elevator Toni asked, "Are you guys going home?"

"I need coffee."  I said.

"I need bacon."  Cara yawned.

"How about we go to a diner for breakfast?"  Toni suggested.

"Good idea!"  We both replied at the same time and laughed.


" good..."  I'm savoring every sip of my cup of Joe.

" good..."  Cara licked a strip of bacon.

Toni sat across from us in the diner booth just laughed.  "You two are adorable.  How old are you guys?"

"We are both 21 but Karlie acts like a 5 year old sometimes."  Cara answered with a smirk.  "Look who's talking?  I said.

"I'm a year older.  Hey, let's keep in touch."  Toni took out her phone and we all exchanged phone numbers.

"Karlie, next time when my agent looking for models, I'll let you know.  You really should get into the field.  School is over now, you can make extra in the summer."  Toni said.

"Oh thank you.  I work 4 days at the restaurant so I could make extra on the remaining days.  Living in Manhattan is making me so poor."  I have a sad look on my face.

"You don't say but at least we have money now."  Cara looked around the semi-empty restaurant before taking an envelope out of her pocket; the stack of cash is eye catching.   Toni and I also took out our envelopes.  They both went silent when they saw my stack, which is at least 1/3 higher than theirs.

"Who was the big tipper?"  Cara asked.

"Tay...Taylor..."  I mumbled her name out.

"Karlie saved Taylor's life."  Toni smiled at me and I blushed.

"What?  Where was I?"  Cara questioned.  Toni told Cara what happened.

"You lucky dog!  I wonder if we will see her again next month at the charity ball."  Cara's mind is off to the upcoming ball.

"Most likely but we are not allowed to mention anything about the sex party."  Toni lowered her voice.

"Of course not, she didn't want to be there to begin with.  Chances are she wouldn't remember any one of us."  I sigh.

We parted and promised Toni to hang out at a later time before the charity ball.

Cara jumped to bed and went into a coma as soon as we got home.  I took out Taylor's mask, touching each feather while thinking about her blue eyes.  I pity myself, the chance of seeing her again is zilch and if we do meet again, I'm a nobody and she's a world famous entertainer, we are from different worlds.  I better not think like a teenager, I'm an adult and adult should face the reality.  With that thought I wrapped the mask carefully and put it in a box then went to sleep peacefully.


On the other side of town, Taylor is having trouble sleeping since the sex party.  Subconsciously her mind kept thinking about Carly the food server.   Carly protected her, after she grabbed the man's hand, Carly put her hand on Taylor's waist to move her so she could be shielded from the drunken man.  Her hand is warm, strong and protective, something Taylor long for in awhile.  She paced back and forth in her bedroom while her 2 cats were sound asleep on her bed. 

Since she can't sleep she mind as well go through her mail.  An invitation stood out from the rest of the mail because the envelope has glittering sparkles on it.   It's from one of her favorite charities and the invitation is for their annual charity ball, a month from now.  Taylor couldn't attend the year before because she was on tour.  She looked at the name of their new chairperson, Daisy Johnson.  Daisy, Daisy, the name sounds familiar.  Taylor jumped out of the chair.  Could this be the same Daisy who organized the sex party?   She wanted to txt Lily but it's 2 in the morning, she gave up and went to bed, this time she slowly drifted off to sleep with the thought of seeing Carly again.


I looked at my watch, I'm early.  I'm waiting for Toni in front of an office building in the Garment District.  She txt me yesterday saying her agent told her a new client is casting a few fit models and she thought of me.  I'm not with a model agency but Toni says let's give it a try anyway.  This is a week after the sex party.  Toni and I have been texting on and off since, she's a sweet girl.

"You're ready?"  Toni is standing in front of me now.  I came out of my daydream and gave her a hug.

"Yeah, let's go."  We were on the elevator with 2 other ladies and they kept looking at us up and down.  I'm used to it because of my height and Toni doesn't seem to bother by it as well.  These ladies were probably thinking where are these blonde giraffes come from.  All of us got off on the same floor and in the hallway one of the ladies turned around and said to us "Are you two here for fittings?"

"We've heard a company is hiring fit models."  Toni replied.

The woman said, "You two are hired, come with me."

Toni and I looked at each other in awe.  We did the paperwork and the woman was amazed I don't have an agent, "Fantastic, we can sign you right here, right now."

"I'm sorry but which company are you from?"  I asked politely.

"Oh right, let me introduce myself, I am Monica Mitro, a Victor's Secret agent."  Toni and I almost dropped to the floor, we had no idea we were here for Victor's Secret casting.

"But before anything, go strip!"  Her assistant took us to a fitting room.

We looked at the skimpy bathing suits, "Oh fuck it!"  We both said it at the same time and begin to take our clothes off, this is not even a proper fitting room with walls, they use a large curtain to divide a small section in the room for changing.  We checked out each other's body while changing and smiled with the "You don't look too bad" type of look.

When we came out, all heads turned and there was a man standing in the middle of the room.  He screamed, "Who are these girls????"

"They are here for fit models casting."  A staff replied.

"The hell with that, they are in!  Your names?"  He asked us and we replied.

"Even their first names are unique, perfect for supermodels."  I somehow think this guy is drunk.

"Which agent are you girls from?"  He continued to ask us.

"I'm with Storm."  Toni replied.

"I don't have one.  I'm not a model"  I replied after.

"You mean you don't have an agent?"  He asked again.  I shook my head.

"Where is Monica?  I want this girl signed right here, right now!"  He sounded exactly like Monica.

"I'm still in school, so is she."  I said

"Which school?"

"We are both in NYU."  Toni replied.

"Beauty and brain, I like that."  The man is clearly a happy camper.

After fitting, Monica took us to her office to go through more paperwork.

"Who was that man before?"  I asked Monica.

"That was Edward Razek, the President, the boss."  Our jaws dropped.

"Okay, Toni, I will contact your agent on the contract and you Karlie, you should look through this before signing."  Monica handed me a bunch of documents. 

Reading all the detail is making me dizzy.  "Can I have someone to look at this?"  I asked Monica.

"You mean a lawyer?"  Moncia is being cautious.

"Oh no, just a friend.  If it's okay, I can call her to come here."  Monica didn't object so I called Cara and told her what happened.  "I'll be right there" is all she said.

20 minutes later, Cara walked in and Monica looked at her the same way she looked at us on the elevator.

"Where do you work Cara?"  Monica asked her.

"I'm a salesperson at Chanel in SoHo."  Cara is studying the contract in detail.

"Ha!  I bet Karl Lagerfeld never went to the store, he would have had you walk on his shows."  Monica laughed while Cara frown her thick eyebrows.

Cara looked at me with the "Is she drunk?" look on her face.

"Cara, would you like a change in career and become a model?"  Monica stared at Cara.

"Who Me?  Are you kidding?  I'm not 6'2" like Karlie, not even 5'10".  How could I be a model?"  Cara wondered.

Monica is trying to convince Cara.  "You are not that short.  We could work out something.  No one can tell the height from prints.  What do you say?" 

Cara looked at me, I was nodding to her.  "YES!"  She replied.

From that day on the three of us spent countless hours on fittings and photo shoots.  Cara and I both quit our other jobs to be full-time models.  School is not going to start until 2 months later so Toni and I don't have to worry about studying.


"Lily, you have to come see my latest discoveries."  Ed Razek said to her as she walked into his office.  "These girls are going to be big."

"Really?  I can't wait to meet them."  Lily knows when Ed says someone is going to be big, she better pay attention, he always has good eyes.

"I think they are doing photo shoots upstairs now, let's go see them."  They took the elevator up to the studio.

Lily walked in to a familiar surrounding with lights, cameras, and flashes.   A girl is posing in lingerie.  Lily gasped, she first notices her perfect abs and those super long legs then her pretty face.   The girl looks familiar to her though, she might have seen her from somewhere before, who is she?

"Let's take a break."  Ed said to the photographer.

I wrapped myself with a robe and walked to Ed's direction.  "Karlie, meet Lily Aldridge, a veteran Victor's Secret model."  Ed then went ahead to look for Toni and Cara in the other studios.

I nearly died when I saw Lily standing next to Ed but I know I have to play dumb.

I extended my hand to Lily and smiled, "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you, Miss Aldridge." 

"Oh, just call me Lily.  Have we met before?  You look familiar."  Good old Lily completely forgotten about the sex party.  "I don't think so, I'm new to the industry."

Ed came back with Toni and Cara, they were stunned when they saw Lily but acted like they never met her also.  


Taylor's phone buzzed, 'Tay, you won't believe this.  Ed just signed 3 new girls and they were the food servers at that sex party.  I don't think they know I was at the party since I had a mask on.  I thought Karlie looked familiar and then I freaked out when I saw the other 2 girls and..."

"Wait, wait, wait, did you say Carly?"

"Yes, Karlie.  The super tall girl."

"The girls who saved me?"

"Yes, Tay."

"Tay, you there?"

A/N - Thanks for all the previous comments!

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