Chapter 10 - The Plan

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Taylor and I cleaned the picnic basket and put the beach towels in the washer.   The night is still young; we decided to watch CSI DVD.  While waiting for Taylor to get it from her room upstairs, I flipped the television channels and this caught my eyes from a gossip channel -

Two hosts were discussing [Newly leaked cell phone video of new singer CH and Taylor Swift kissing backstage at a recent concert in Nashville]

The dark grainy video showing a male and a female embracing together, she cupped his face and then what looked like a kiss on the lips.

Host 1:  "They looked cute together."
Host 2:  "Were they really kissing?"
Host 1:  "I think his hand was on her waist."
Host 2:  "More like on her breast but I'm not sure."

It's definitely Taylor, I recognize her miles away.  I don't give a fuck who that guy is but he was kissing Taylor Swift, MY GIRLFRIEND Taylor Swift.

I'm hyperventilating; my head is spinning against earth's rotation.  I can't take this anymore; I shut the TV off, threw away the remote control and put my hands over my face. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I looked at the direction of this hand and found Taylor's teary face, just like mine. 

"I'm sorry babe.  They made me do it."  Taylor sobbed.

I brushed her hand off my shoulder and got up from the couch, "THEY MADE YOU?  What if they want you to jump off the bridge?  Will you jump?  That's absurd Taylor." I'm paced back and forth in front of her. 

"You said to me it's going to be a few photos, no kissing, not even holding hands and now this?  Come on."  I continued. "You know, if you told me about this kissing crap ahead of time I might not be this mad but the fact that you didn't say anything and how long were you planning to hide this from me?"


"Don't babe me!"  I'm furious.

"It's all part of the plan."

"The hell with this fucking plan.  You cheated on me!"  With that, I turned around and walked to the door.  Taylor chased me and put her arms around me from behind with all her strength to stop me from leaving.

"Karlie, Karlie, don't leave, hear me out.  Please!"  Taylor begged.

I could yank her arms off but by doing that I might end up hurting her and I don't want to do that.  I stopped moving and just let her hold me still.

"Baby please, listen to me."  She's put her chin on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes to let tears come down on my face, took a deep breath and let it out.  Taylor sensed that I wouldn't leave so she let go her arms and came around to face me. 

"Let me explain to you what the plan is.  Please calm down and listen to me Kar."  I let out a deep breath again and nodded.  She took my hand, led me back to the living room and we sat on the couch side by side with her hand still holding mine.

"The original plan was just the photos but then we know that's not going to be enough.  We thought about more photos in different locations but Kar, I want to be seen with you in public, I want to take pictures with you so I could share them with my fans, I don't want a third wheeler between us when we are in public.  For the press to believe I'm really dating a guy we had to step up the game.  With this so called leaked video which it was staged, the press is going to believe what happened between you and I were just friends, best friends, a platonic relationship and nothing more so from now on even when we have intimate photos, holding hands, hugging and even kissing, no one is going to suspect we are in a relationship."  Taylor moved her hand to caress my teary face.

"Do you understand now?  I love you Kar.  I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."  Taylor wrapped herself to me, putting her head to my chest, right on top of my heart.

I sniffed and moved my arms to wrap her tight, kissed the top of her head.  "I love you too Taylor."  We held each other in silence for a while.

"Was the guy's hand on your chest?"  I broke the silence; I had to ask.

"I don't remember.  You think I enjoy taking the video?"  Taylor is listening my heartbeat.

"Hon, I think his hand started like this" I moved my hand to her waist. "And then he moved up like this."  My hand traveled from her waist to right underneath her breast.  My mind is still wrapped up on that guy's hand position when Taylor took my hand and put it right on her breast.

"Kar, only you can touch this okay?"

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