Chapter 5 - Texting

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I'm in the bedroom staring at my phone while Cara is playing video games outside in the living room.  Placing my finger on Taylor's kissing lips emoji, gliding it back and forth thinking about tonight at the ball with her.  I almost dropped the phone when it buzz suddenly. 

Taylor is texting me -
[Hi Karlie, I wonder if you have time in the next couple of days to come out for coffee.]

I'm biting my bottom lip as I'm reading her txt.  We met twice, OK, officially we met tonight for the first time and she is asking me out already.  I wouldn't have problem to say yes but she is Taylor Swift, superstar Taylor Swift.  The amount of attention and paparazzi that followed her are unreal.

[I'm sorry I have to give you a time frame because I will be out of town soon.]  Another txt from Taylor.

It's just a coffee date, what's the big deal Karlie?  Paparazzi just want her photos, who cares about you Karlie.  With these thoughts I replied, [Sounds good Taylor, just let me know when and where to meet.]

[Okay, will let you know.  Nite nite *kissing lips emoji*]

This emoji is killing me but I like it.

"Karl, who was that?  You have a horny look on your face?"  Cara is standing by the bedroom door.

*cough* "What?"  I looked up.

"Come on, don't lie to me.  Was it Taylor as in Swift?   I saw you grabbed her hand and went to the back."

I guess I can't lie to her now.

"Yes, it's her.  She wants to meet for coffee."

"She likes you."

"Car, nothing happened and nothing is going to happen.  She is a world known megastar.  I'm not rich or famous and I'm a woman!"  I'm frustrated, just had to vent.  I really like Taylor, specially after I met her in person.   She is as sweet and kind as I imagined.  I can feel the chemistry between us, I want to be close to her, I want her but that's impossible.

"Kar, calm down.  Just go and have a nice cup of coffee with her and never see her again."

"Sorry, Cara.  I don't mean to yell."  I went over to her and gave her a hug.

Cara is patting my back, "Karl, don't think too much, just enjoy coffee with her, okay."  I nodded.  Maybe I am thinking too much, maybe I'm just like one of her million fans.

And I did enjoy having coffee with Taylor.  She told me to go to a small cafe in SoHo, the waitress led me to a table all the way in the back, away from the entrance, windows and other tables.  Shortly after there were shouting and flashes outside and then Taylor came in, without bothering the waitress she walked straight to my table.  I was amazed and found out she called the cafe ahead of time and described how I look like which is not hard since I'm over 6 feet tall.   Without cameras pointing at us, we both relaxed and chatted about everything from cooking, baking, pets, her cats to fashion; we have endless topics.  We started with coffee then ordered tea, cake, omelettes, cookies.  By the time we say goodbye it was 4 hours later.  The waitress told Taylor nobody is waiting outside, all the paparazzi were gone, they probably thought Taylor left through the backdoor.

"Karlie, I have to be away for a month for work but we'll definitely get together when I come back.  I really enjoy chatting with you, we have so much in common."

"I feel the same.  Next time I'll take you to a nice pizzeria." 

"It's a deal."  She gave me a hug and peak on the cheek before getting into her car.

I walked home after, grinning and touching the side of my cheek, surprised I didn't get hit by a yellow cab as I was so deep in thought of Taylor.

Cara was playing video games when I got home.   I thought she was going to interrogate me but all she asked was "You had a good time?" and after I replied "Yes." she didn't ask anything else.   I love Cara, she knows when to ask, when to shut up and when to yell at me.


Taylor is on her private jet to Los Angeles, California, she is going there to record new songs for her next album.  Holding and stroking her cat Dibbles in her arm she is thinking about Karlie, the girl she only met three times.  There's the physical attraction, Karlie is like 6 foot 2 with legs for days, it's not like she never met tall women before, she has many model friends but none is as tall as her but it's their unimaginable chemistry that attracts her the most, she felt like they know each other for years.  Karlie is just different, unlike any of her friends.  Thinking of her, Taylor missed her already, she wanted to txt her but realized there's no wi-fi on her jet so she groaned for the rest of the flight time.


Texting with Taylor is becoming a daily routine - good morning, how was your day, what did you had for lunch/dinner, what did you buy, goodnight.  Toni and Cara are so used to seeing me texting whenever I get a break.

Today we are doing group photo shoot for the first time with Lily Aldridge, Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima, Candice Swanepoel and a few other veteran VS models.  During breaks, they took some photos with us and posted them on their Instagram accounts with description like "Meet these new ladies this Fall".  We won't have our own Instagram account until after official debut. 
Within seconds a few messages from Taylor -

[Kar, don't you think you are wearing too little?  *shy emoji*]
[Why was Candice kissing you?  *mad emoji*  *teeth grinding emoji*]
[Was she touching your abs?  *mad emoji*  *mad emoji*  *mad emoji*]

I don't know if I should laugh or cry while reading her txt but I noticed Candice was mumbling something like "Swift, are you for real?" when she was texting with someone.

Ed Razek came to the studio when we were wrapping up the shoot.  "Karlie, Toni, Cara, you ladies are going to LA for a shoot tomorrow, should be there about 4, 5 days, depends on weather so go home and pack.  Monica has the plane tickets, just go see her before you leave."

My phone buzzed again [See you soon Kar.] I looked at Lily and she smiled at me, she must have txt Taylor about the news.  It's been more than 2 months since the sex party, Lily let her guard down on us when we didn't show signs of knowing her from the party.  She is friendly and very protective of Taylor which I like.  In about 24 hours I will see Taylor.

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