Chapter 7 - Relationship

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"Karl, you are a big girl now.  I can't tell you what to do with your sex life, I mean love life but you need to weight in on all aspects, the good, the bad and the ugly before taking things further with her."  Cara is changing while I sat on a wardrobe trunk with my eyes on the sand thinking about what just happened with Taylor.

After changing, Cara came and stood in front of me, putting both hands down on my shoulders, made me look up to see her eyes, "Don't stop for a rose when you have a whole garden, especially when this rose has thorns.  I'm not saying anything bad about Taylor but she's no plain Jane, everything with her has a ripple effect.  I just don't want you to get hurt."  I put my arms around her and gave her a tight hug.  "Thank you Car, I understand."

"Okay, I'm hungry.  Let's go have some bacon!"  Cara pulled me up from sitting.

"You know, if we are going to be supermodels, we need to watch what we eat."

"I don't want no rabbit food."  We walked out of the tent.

Toni walked up to us, "Karlie, Taylor is waiting for you in her car.  We'll meet up at the restaurant."  She and Cara walked to the crew's car while I walk to Taylor's car.

Paparazzi are in their cars, waiting to follow Taylor.  They are taking photos as I got on to her car.  Am I ready for this kind of treatment?

"Thanks for waiting."  I said to Taylor and her guard once I got in to the car.

The car started to roll after I fasten my seatbelt.  Taylor grabbed my hand once it's free and put the car partition up. 

"Taylor, I really enjoy being with you."  I turned my head to face her.

"Me too." Our fingers intertwined.

"If...if we are going to be together, I...I want to take this nice and slow.  I need to focus on school and my career.  I want to make something out of myself for you to be proud of.  I don't want to be Taylor Swift's new flame.  I want you to be Karlie Kloss's girlfriend."  Taylor moved her hand up to cup my face and gave me a short kiss. 

"I know why I'm so attracted to you.  You are so determined and full of confidence, you know what you want and you'll go after it, just like me and I like it very much.  I want to be with you.  I want to get to know you and yes, we can take things easy."  She gave me another kiss. 

Paparazzi were flashing us in all directions before we enter the restaurant.

"Kar, you better get used to the flash."

"I need to get some new shades!"

The four of us had a very nice dinner and I forbidden Cara to have more bacon!

Our shooting locations for the remaining time in California were in remote areas and I didn't want Taylor to go through the trouble to see us.  We'll meet again when she goes back to New York in about 2 weeks. 

Ed Razek loved all the photos and had them printed ahead of schedule.  He wants the catalogs to go out before summer is over.


Taylor decided to visit her family in Nashville for a few days before heading back to New York.  Lily finished the Fall catalog photo shoot so she went back to Nashville to take a break before her next project.

Taylor was ecstatic when the doorbell rang.  Lily walked in with her daughter Dixie; they exchanged hugs while Dixie went chasing after the cats.  Taylor did arts and crafts with the little girl, baked cookies together.  They were having tea while Dixie taking a short nap on the couch.

"Before I forget, I have something special for you."  Lily took out a large envelope from a shopping bag next to the couch.  "I literally stole these from Ed's desk.  I can just hear him scream now."

Taylor opened the envelope and saw photo prints of Karlie.

"These are proof prints, not all of them will make it to the Fall catalog but I thought you might like to see them."

Taylor went speechless, mouth hanging while looking at the prints.

"You know, she will be big.  Ed always has good eyes and look at these prints, she will be the "it" girl and not just in VS.  All she needs is a good agent in the fashion world."

"Lily, thank you so much."  Taylor's eyes are still on the prints.  "I don't know what to say, these are beautiful photos.  Karlie looks gorgeous, I am so so proud of her."

"We did shoots together a few times.  Lot of girls would just quit school after signing the contract but not her, she wants to finish it.  Toni too, both are smart and determine.  I've been watching them, well, because of the sex party but they are just genuine, no BS sweet girls.  Okay, Cara is wild but she doesn't harm anyone."

"See, my gut feeling was right from the start."  Taylor is proud of herself.

"So what's going on between you and Karlie?"  Lily takes a sip of tea.

"We are taking things slowly, both of us want a long term relationship.  I can see it's working.  I mean, look at my track records, no one lasted more than 3 months, all they wanted was a quick flame.  Kar and I are going to work this together."

"You look happy."

"I am, truly."  Dibbles jumped on the coffee table and put her paws on the prints.  Taylor picked her up, "No Dibbles, Karlie is mine, all mine."


My phone has been ringing off the hook for the past few days.  On purpose Ed leaked a few our photos to the press, Cara and I have been hunted by model agencies since.  Toni has an agent already and she's been busy after we came back from California.  Summer is almost over, she and I will head back to school to finish our last semester. 

Taylor is back in New York but I've been busy shooting commercials.  I'm on my way to her penthouse, tonight is the first night we see each other since California.  The door opened with sweet aroma, we just hugged tightly by the door way as if we haven't seen each other for years, and at least that's what it felt like to us.  We walked to the kitchen hand in hand when Dibbles came out to greet me.  Taylor made vegetarian curry stew for me knowing I'm a vegetarian, how thoughtful of her.

"This is delicious.  Thank you for making it."  We are having dinner in the dining room with lighted candles around the place.

"How's Cara doing?"

"Poor girl is going to take a red eye to England tonight.  She's doing photo shoot for some mall over there and then to Paris after.  Toni is another busy bee."

"I'm glad you signed with IMG Models, it's one of the biggest in the industry."

"IMG is working on getting me to do Autumn/Fall runway shows in next February.  It's too early for casting anyway, we’ll see."

"Are you looking forward to the last semester?" 

"Yes, can't wait for graduation and watch out Kate Moss, here comes Karlie Kloss.  Hahaha..."  Taylor threw her table napkin to my face.

"They're going to ship out the Fall catalog tomorrow.  Ed is going to throw a party next week to introduce us to the press.  Lily should be there too.  Do you want to come?"

Taylor thought for a minute, "No."

"Why not?"  I was kind of hurt to hear it.

"Because it's your event.  If I go, the focus will be on me.  The press will write about me instead of the 3 of you.  I don't want to take the spotlight away from you."  She's right and the press has been writing about us.   Other than knowing I'm a VS model, they don't know anything else about me...yet.

I got up and went across the table to give her a hug.  "Thank you.  I was feeling hurt when you said you don't want to go but now I understand."  I kissed her temple.

"Come over after the party, I'll celebrate with you in here."


A/N - Thank you for reading and comments :)

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