Chapter 16 - Met Gala

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"Tay, I got invited to the Met Gala. You're going, right? You could be my date." I winked at her. I'm so excited to this huge annual fashion event and to walk the red carpet with Taylor would be like a fairy tale.

"Kar, I can't go with you." Taylor lowered her head and her voice. "Most likely I have to go with CH. I know I told you this PR stunt will stop but it cannot be stopped immediately, it could be sooner but not right now. We signed a contract, quitting could leads to legal issues and our public images would be tarnished, it's complicated." Taylor sighed. "Just bare with me for a few more months, don't read any gossip news, you know they are not real, please." Taylor is begging me.

"Taylor, you are successfully enough, do you really need to do this kind of stunt?" I put my folk down; we were having lunch in her penthouse.

"You don't understand. I have a lot of young fans, they look up to me, they idolize me, I have to build a healthy normal image for them."

"Like we are not normal? Like I have 3 legs?" I argued with her.

"Kar, please be reasonable. How many parents are going to support gay couples? They don't want their kids to be gay, our society does not accept it, period."

"I don't care about them or the society."

"I do Kar. It's all comes down to..."

"Business, right?" I finished the sentence for her. Taylor sighed.

"Tay, I gotta go to the studio." I looked at my watch and got up from the kitchen stool. "Thanks for making lunch." I gave her a peak on the cheek and left her penthouse without saying more.

On my way to the studio I've bumped into some fans, took a few selfies with them. My face is known nowadays and I'm lucky to land a few big endorsements this year. Paris is becoming my 2nd home since I travel there so often. Right now I feel like going there, just to get away from Taylor and all the publicity shit. I don't know how many people would believe she and what's his name are a couple, everything looked fake, staged. Maybe like what she said, only her 12-year-old fans would believe it. Whatever, I need to focus on my work, not just being labeled as Taylor Swift's BFF.

I told my agent to book as many jobs as possible. I don't want to have free time to deal with her publicity stunt. With that intention, we haven't been able to meet for more than two months but we txt, FaceTime whenever we can but lately we always ended the chat with arguments. I miss her but every time when I see their publicity photos I want to throw up.

Finally I'm back in New York after 2 busy weeks in Paris. I've been so wanting to hug and kiss Taylor but Tree txt me just to tell me not to show up at Taylor's penthouse because paparazzi are guarding the entrance of her building 24/7, waiting to snap photos of the "hot couple". I tried not to read their publicity crap and Taylor is not saying much to me anymore, so while I'm away that pesky guy had been visiting her place; great hand holding photos, so fake, fuck!

Didn't bother to call Taylor since she is so "busy". I met up with Toni to inspect the soon-to-be mine bi-level 2-bedroom loft. We've been house hunting for a while since both of us make enough now that we could afford to buy a place. Cara spend most of her time working in Europe, she doesn't need a place in New York anymore and can always crash mine when she's in town.

"This is a beautiful place. You're lucky you saw it first, else I would have bought it." Toni laughed.

"Haha...I'm gonna have to work even harder to pay for this. This is my first baby!"

"Congratulations! Did you tell Taylor?"

I shook my head. "She doesn't know I bought a place."

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