Chapter 12 - Paris

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There is nothing better than home cooked meals and shared with family on Thanksgiving.  Baking cookies with my mom is an annual tradition in my family on holidays.  The past few days had been nice; I was able to catch things up with my sisters even though we saw each other online almost everyday.  Going shopping with my parents, hugging them as if I was a kid brought back wonderful childhood memories.

Taylor is visiting today, she's coming for dinner and then we'll go to Paris after.  My sisters had been ecstatic, they were blasting Taylor's songs in their rooms all morning; my parents have been supportive of my choice and they understand how hard it is for me to date someone famous.  They love me and want me to be happy.

I was baking cookies alone in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.  Taylor was giving some beautiful flowers to my mother by the time I walked to the living room.  We hugged; I put my arm on her waist and introduced her to everyone.  My younger sisters were like some crazy Swifties, asking to take pictures with her before Taylor sat down, dad scolded them of course.

We chatted a bit before the girls took Taylor to their rooms to show her their massive fandom display while I helped mom to prepare dinner.

"Lovely girl." Mom said.

"She is, I'm lucky."  I'm cutting some veggies.

"You know the roads are going to be tough."  Mom is checking the pot roast in the oven.

"I know, a lot of time it's not just us.  There are countless forces around her, around us."

"Stay true to your heart and you'll find happiness.  We are here, you can always come home when you want to."

"Thanks mom." I gave her a cheeky kiss and hugged her tightly.

"Is it always like this when you gals cook?"  Taylor came in and she puts her hands up to massage my shoulders.  "Can I help?"

"No sweetie, it's almost done.  Thank you.  Karlie, go sit outside with Taylor.  Dinner will be ready in a minute."  Mom said while finishing up the cooking.

My sisters were setting the table, dad was watching football in the family room while Taylor and I sat in the living room next to the fireplace.

"Mom made cheesecake for you.  She didn't make it when I was home last time.  I'm getting jealous."  I pouted my lips.

"I'm so lucky.  Your family is sweet, I feel so welcome, honestly."  She leans on me with her head on my shoulder.

Dinner was filled with joy and laughter.  Dad made a toast to welcome Taylor to the family and we both had tears in our eyes.

"That was the best pot roast I've ever had; it was even better than my mom's and the cheesecake was amazing.  Thank you so much."  Taylor kissed mom goodbye.  Her private jet is waiting for us at the airport.  Before leaving I warned my sisters not to post any photos with Taylor in social media.  I don't need paparazzi to hunt us down like foxes.  They were good girls, they understood our situations.

The flight was long from St. Louis to Paris.  Taylor was sleeping with her head on my lap.  I stroked her face lightly, barely touching her.  Looking at the darkness outside from the plane window, I'm thinking about my future, our future.  Roads ahead will be difficult but I know we will find a path to go through it together.

Everything is so romantic in Paris.  We arrived in early morning, on purpose we stayed in a small family owned hotel off the main tourist area.  Taylor’s security team was not with her; it was just she and I.  We took a nap before heading out in disguise with hoodie and glasses, no shade, that would attract more attention than anything and I forbid Taylor to wear her trademark red lipstick.  We skipped the main tourist attractions and strolled through Jardin des Plantes in the late afternoon; along the way we found a local bistro and decided to have dinner there.

"Your French is good Kar."  Taylor said while eating her Coq au Vin and I'm having Ratatouille Niçoise.

"I've been studying it, preparing to come here to do fashion shows in the future." 

"That's what I like about you.  Always prepare, always ready."  Taylor continued.  "My parents are coming to New York in Christmas, you are joining us.  You'll meet my brother Austin.  I won't accept a no for an answer."

"So demanding."

"That's right, I'm the boss."

After dinner we decided to get dessert from Berthillon ice cream on Île Saint-Louis.  Taylor had to hide her face while waiting on the long queue.

With ice cream in hands, we walked back to the hotel.  To avoid crowd, instead of walking on the main streets, we took a detour via small alleyways, thanks to GPS on my phone. 

We were walking in a deserted alley and something naughty came to my mind.  I looked around to make sure no one was behind us and pulled Taylor to a dark corner and started kissing her passionately, I can taste her fig ice cream in my mouth, my hands went up under her shirt to caress her beautiful set.  Taylor let out soft moans and I whispered, "You want more baby?", "Just don't stop." is all she can let out.  I unbuttoned her skinny jeans and found her wonderland, from there on she and I got lost in it.  We continued the journey in the hotel for the rest of the night.

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