Chapter - 13 - Musical Guest

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I was jogging on Pont de l'Archevêché when Cara txt me.

[Hey, wanna meet for lunch?  I'm going to do shopping in Paris.]  Cara went back to London for Thanksgiving even though it's not a British holiday.  She's been working hard in the past months surely she has money to burn.  I'm saving mine on a bigger thing; I want to buy an apartment in New York.

[I'm jogging.  Let me check with Taylor, she should be up by now.]  I replied while jogging back to the hotel, which is nearby.

Sleepyhead is still snoring.  I lift up the blanket at the end of the bed to tickle her feet, she groaned and started rolling around.

"Wake up hon. Want to have lunch with Cara?"  That woke her up a bit.

"Cara?  She's in Paris?"  She sat up yawning.

"She's in London.  She wants to do shopping here."

"Sure, love to meet her and shopping sounds great.  I can buy some stuff for my fans."

I txt Cara back, she'll meet us at the lobby later.

"You went out?"  Taylor still sitting on bed and noticed I'm on trainer outfit.

"Yeah, I went jogging."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were snoring like a piglet." I giggled.  "I just couldn't bare to wake you up so early."

"Come here."  I was still standing at the end of the bed but she motioned me to go next to her.  Once I'm there she started to rub my bare abs.

"Babe, you haven't had enough last night?"  I smiled and pulled her out of bed and went to shower together.


Plenty of hugs and kisses when we saw Cara and she looked chic with the latest fashion trends.  That's one advantage of being a model; many designers love to give their latest collection free to their favorite models.

"You two look like bums."  Cara eyeing us up and down.  We both had ripped jeans and hoodies on, Taylor wore Keds and I had Nike plus she put on her dorky glasses.

"Hey, we have to.  I mean she has to."  I'm pointed to Taylor.

"Oh that's right.  Sorry, I forgot."  Cara stuck her tongue out.

"Let's get something to eat before we go shopping."  Taylor said and she already mapped out which shops she's going to do damage.

We had baguette sandwiches at a cafe recommended by the hotel concierge.

"Let's not go to Champs Elysées.  Too many tourists, I'm not comfortable taking Taylor there."  I used my phone to search shopping areas in Paris.

When I finished checking, I found both Taylor and Cara pouted their lips at me.

"What the...FINE!  We'll go to Champs Elysées."  I gave in.  Taylor pecked my cheek after.


We went to a few stores and Cara and Taylor bought some items but it was a huge mistake when we went to Chanel.  It was crowded with rich Asian shoppers but that's not the issue, the problem was salespeople recognized Cara who did more European photo shoots than Toni and I so her face is somewhat well known, they all wanted to take selfies with her.

I pulled Taylor out of the crowd to the other side of the store but a young girl came up to me and asked for selfie, she said she recognized me, a VS model.  Soon after other girls came and asked for photos.  Taylor was amused that no one recognized her, she even helped taking photos.

Finally we escaped to a cafe, sitting inside towards the back so we wouldn't be seen.

"You two are famous."  Taylor was still giggling about what happened in Chanel.

"Next time I'm going to dress like a bum too.  That was crazy."  Cara said.

"You wouldn't be laughing if they recognize you."  I said while sipping my cafe au lait.

All of the sudden both Cara's and my phone buzzed at the same time.   We read the txt and looked at each other, I got up and hugged Cara tightly.

Taylor was puzzled.  "What's going on?"

"We are going to be in Victoria's Secret Fashion Show."  Cara said with tears in her eyes.

"We need to get back tomorrow for fittings.  I hope Toni is in also."  I said and then my phone buzzed, txt from Toni, she's in as well.

"Congratulations!!"  Taylor hugged both of us.

"Alright, I need to get my ass back to London first before going back to New York."   Cara hugged us and left.

Taylor rubbed my hand, "I'm so happy for you."  She pecked my cheek.  "I can't wait to see you on the show."

We left Paris that night.


A day later Cara, Toni and I were at Victoria's Secret's office for fittings.  All 3 of us will be featured in University of Pink segment and one other theme but only I get to perform a 3rd theme.  Toni and Cara were happy for me, there was no jealousy, no hard feelings from them.

Toni and Cara finished their fittings first and left.  I was almost done when Taylor walked in to the room.  I was shocked to see her.

Taylor walked in alone, greeted everyone in the room, her publicist Tree was not with her.

"Hi Karlie."  She looked at me all smiling.

'H...Hi Taylor."  What is she doing in here!?  Her publicist team is doing everything to kill any rumor between us and yet she came here knowing I'm doing fittings today.  There must be at least 20 paparazzi waiting outside the building.

I'm freaking out when she came closer.  I lean towards her and whispered, "Hon, What are you doing in here?"

"I'm here to see you and you look super hot in lingerie."  She looked at me with a smirk on her face.

A staff came in, "Ms. Swift, Monica wants to see you."

Taylor walked out but not before brushing her hand slightly on my bare legs.

I'm baffled, no idea what's going on.

I was changing my own clothes when Taylor's txt came in.  [Come to my place later.]

[Want me to bring Chinese food over?]  I txt her back.

[What a great idea! :) <3]


Taylor's already home when I opened her penthouse door.  She gave me her house keys after we came back from Paris.

I walked to the kitchen with Chinese takeout in hands while she gathered plates and drinks.

We were eating in the living room and watching reruns of CSI.  I have this knot in my stomach but not sure how to untie it.  I just ate silently.

"Babe, what's wrong?  You are too quiet."  Taylor asked while eating her fried rice.

"I...I want to ask you something."  I put my veggie noodles down.

"Go ahead."  Her eyes were still on television.

"What were you doing in VS office earlier?"

She puts the food down and turned to face me.  "I thought you never ask.  I was there because...I'm going to be on the show."

"What show?"

"The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show."

"What?!  You are going to model lingerie?"  I nearly jumped out of the couch.

"No dummy, I'm one of the musical guests."  Taylor laughed rocking back and forth.

Now I have a more important question on my mind.

"Taylor, be honest with me.  Is it because of you that we are on the show?"  I looked into her aqua blue eyes.

"Absolutely not.  When I found out you girls are on the show I thought it will be fun to be on the same stage together so I approached Ed and I've heard their after party could be wild.  I can't let you be there alone!"

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Kar, you girls worked hard.  They want you on the show, not because of me.  I'm not that powerful, believe me."

I gave her a tight hug, "Thank you for clearing this.  I was worry..."

"Don't be, I know you take pride of your work and I wouldn't want to take that away from you.  I'm very proud of you."  Taylor peck on my lips but I wouldn't let go those lips I so loved.

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