Chapter 18 - Graduation

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With our busy and crazy schedules, NYU granted permission for Toni and I to do online study for the last month of the semester before graduation. We both took a week off from work to study finals and today is the day we get rewarded with our hard work. My family came to New York to attend my graduation, Cara came in last night from London. All of them are staying at my new place and we are getting ready to leave for the commencement.

I was looking at the full length mirror in my room, checking my Dior dress before leaving while my sister Kimby sat on the edge of my bed behind me pouting her lips. "How come Taylor isn't here?"

My mom came in before I could reply. "Let's go young lady, you are talking too much." She pushed Kimby out of my bedroom.

"You didn't tell her?" Mom asked.

I avoided eye contact. "Her PR team would kill her if she attends my graduation. They invested so much for the stunt, I don't want her to get into trouble plus she is busy enough on tour rehearsal." I sighed.

My mom just hugged me. One of the happiest days of my life and I can't share it with the one I love, it's sad but it's probably the best for the situation.

The ceremony went well. A loud cheer can be heard when I went up to the stage to receive my honor award and diploma. For a second I thought I heard Taylor's voice but no way that she's here, right? After I went back to my seat I turned around to look at where my family is sitting, sure enough, I see Taylor sitting next to Kimby, both waving at me. My heart bursted with emotion, I wanted to run to her but I know I can't, not until the ceremony is over. The next hour was the longest wait in my life, I had no ideal what the guest speaker was saying, my mind was filled with thoughts of Taylor. I kept turning my head to stare at her until my neck started to hurt. When the ceremony was over I dashed with my 4" heels in record timing; I ran so fast I almost tripped on the grass. She was welcoming me with open arms, we hugged as if this was our last moment in life. When I was about to kiss her, Cara reminded me with a cough. "Not here." Taylor whispered so we peaked our cheeks instead.

Taylor said to me. "Let's take some pictures with Toni." I totally understand. We found her and all of us took ton of photos with other students. News traveled fast with media headlining "Taylor Swift attends BFFs' graduation" accompanied with photos of her, Toni and I.

We finally kissed when I went with her SUV after the ceremony. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you for coming."

"It's your big day, you know I wouldn't miss it for the world but shame on you for not telling me."

"I wanted to but your team would scold you. Are you going to get into trouble now?" I'm concern.

"Toni saved us. The media think I'm here for the both of you, I mean of course I know Toni but you are the real reason. I'm so proud of you." I sealed her lips without letting her say more.

We had the celebration at a small restaurant in SoHo and for privacy we reserved the entire place with Toni's family and mine. We also invited our model friends Lily, Jourdan and Gigi to join us.

Toni and I made speeches to thank our families and friends for support over the years. I hugged my mother in the middle of the meal to thank her for calling Taylor.

"How did you know it was me?" Mom tried to play dumb and exchanged looks with Taylor.

"Oh come on mom, it was so obvious." I had my long arms wrapped around her.

"That's because if I don't make the call, my daughter will be the grumpiest girl for the rest of her life." Mom was patting my head.

"And if your mom didn't call me, I will make you continue with school so I can attend the next graduation!" Taylor who sat next to me wrapped her arms on me and mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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