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jinyoung: is this jackson wang?

jackson: i'm sorry, i was not informed that i had someone stalking me?

jinyoung: this is jinyoung

jinyoung: you gave me your number, for the project

jinyoung: also, i don't know if you know this, but no stalkers in their right minds would inform the person they're stalking that they're stalking them

jinyoung: that's not how stalking works

jackson: so you admit to stalking me?

jinyoung: this is exactly why i don't like you

jinyoung: i don't have time for this, or for your bullshit.

jinyoung: i'll be keeping in contact with you for the project.

jackson: you're still the same person from when we went to high school together, huh?

jinyoung: i'd be worried if i wasn't the same person from back then.

jackson: you know what i mean. you're still an absolute delight to be around.

jackson: at least take me out and we can go bond over a cup of coffee or something

jackson: or maybe over people we mutually do not like, either is fine with me

jinyoung: i would gladly take you out with my fist, though it wouldn't be worth it when i end up bruising my knuckles and in jail over someone like you

jinyoung: and unless you dislike yourself then i don't think we share too many commonalities to bond over

jackson: aren't you a sweetheart

jackson: we're going to be project partners for the next few months, so how about we be a bit more courteous with each other, at least for a while? even though you can't stand me.


jackson: i have a left-on-read kink, you know?

jackson: i can feel the courteousness rolling off of you in waves

jackson: we'll be great partners, trust me

jackson: project partners now, but partners in crime in the future

jackson: and perhaps marriage partners, too, only if you don't try to push me off a cliff in the foreseeable future

jackson: probably shouldn't be giving you ideas

jackson: we'd be a power couple, you and i

a/n: Back with another fic (that I won't be deleting this time, because I'm almost done writing the chapters!). I've been working day and night on it for the past few days, so I'm very excited to publish this.

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