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"So what, you're going out with him now?" Jaebeom asks, staring at Jinyoung with that annoying quirk of his eyebrow, making it seem like he can see right through him.

"Well, I think so?" Jinyoung answers, taking a sip of his bubble tea. "I mean, we haven't really talked about it since I've confessed but I'm pretty sure that's what's happening."

"You're pretty sure?" Jaebeom repeats. "Why don't you ask him?"

"I don't see why I need to? We both like each other, isn't that enough?"

Jaebeom scoffs in disbelief. "Yeah, and then when you become all insecure because you see him getting close to someone else? I think it'd be better if you asked him about it, if you want to avoid any future misunderstandings. Y'know, have that status established. It helps a tonne."

That gets Jinyoung thinking. "But what if he thinks I'm being stupid?"

"It's not stupid, it's literally making sure you guys are on the same page. And he's not a dickhead, he'll understand."

"And how would you know that?"

"The time you spent disliking him, I spent my time talking to him, so I know him well enough to know that."

Jinyoung frowns, shifting in his seat a little, biting his bottom lip. "So... Are you guys close?" he asks, carefully, trying to sound casual and not at all concerned.

"We've gotten closer over the years," Jaebeom answers, pausing to scrutinise Jinyoung. "Are you jealous?" he asks, highly amused. "Never in a million years would I think you'd be getting jealous over your long time arch-nemesis." He turns around in his seat, grinning when he sees Youngjae glancing up at him from behind the counter and smiling. "And plus, you know I've got my eyes on someone else."

Jinyoung scrunches his nose in slight disgust, fake gagging into his hand just before Jaebeom turns back to face him. "This is why you keep dragging Mark and I here," he mutters. He clears his throat. "You're making it sound like I hated him or something."

"Well, it definitely did feel like it," Jaebeom says, followed by laughter at the glare Jinyoung shoots his way. "You know, he was pretty obvious with his crush on you, even back in high school. How did you not see it when you kept such close attention on him?"

"I didn't pay close attention to him," Jinyoung rebuts, sounding scandalised. Which is a lie, and they both know it.

"Sure," Jaebeom drawls out with a chuckle. He reaches over the table and pats Jinyoung on the shoulder. "Jackson's a great guy, you're pretty damn lucky to have him."

Jinyoung smiles, lightly. "Yeah, he's great," he says, softly. "But h's till a tease and an absolute jerk at times. I get my revenge by kissing him silly."

Jaebeom sighs, shaking his head. "You guys are weird."

Jinyoung shrugs. "That's just the way we work." His phone buzzes in his pocket, and he takes it out to see Jackson texting him.

"Jackson?" Jaebeom asks, taking a peek at his phone.

"The one and only," Jinyoung answers with a grin.


jackson: baby, love, sugar plum, sweetcheeks, muffin, the love of my life, my everything, my whole world

jackson: where are you?

jinyoung: i'm with jaebeom. why?

jackson: i dropped by to visit you but no one answered the door :(

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