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jackson: when do our results come out again?

jinyoung: 20th may

jackson: how about for the project?

jinyoung: 16th may

jinyoung: are you worried?

jackson: yeah, what if we don't do as well as we would have hoped? i mean, it is 60% of our final grade

jackson: that's pretty damn massive, now that i like, really think about it.

jinyoung: we did the best we could.

jackson: true.

jackson: okay so

jackson: how about this? if we do well, i get to take you out on an actual date. you know, as a celebration?

jinyoung: i'm not going on dates with you.

jackson: you enjoyed the last date we went on.

jinyoung: that was not a date.

jackson: we held hands and i fed you, if that's not what a date is then i don't know what is.

jinyoung: we linked pinkies because i didn't want to be rude by leaving your hand hanging there, and you didn't feed me. you forced me to try the dish you had ordered. i only said yes to your request because you were being annoying about it

jackson: what about when i leaned my head on your shoulder and you didn't try to move away while we were watching the movie? and we continued "linking pinkies" while we were in the theatres.

jinyoung: that did not happen.

jackson: jinyoung.

jinyoung: what.

jackson: ...

jackson: you know what? it's nothing.

jackson: don't worry about it.


jinyoung: that's all the more reason to worry


jinyoung: i have half a mind to slam my head against a wall, maybe then i'll be able to catch a wink of sleep

jackson: you're still up?

jackson: aren't you worried your skin's going to suffer?

jinyoung: i wasn't able to fall asleep so i went out for a midnight jog

jackson: a midnight jog at this hour?

jackson: and you have the audacity to call me unbelievable?

jackson: what's keeping you up at 3 in the morning, anyway?

Jinyoung types, then stops, staring at his screen, thumb hovering above the send button.

It's not like he could take back his message, either, when he sends it, so excuse him for taking a bit to decide on whether this is a good idea or not.

Then, throwing all caution to the wind, he presses send.


jinyoung: you.

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