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He startles awake to the sound of loud pounding on his front door. He sits up immediately, blankets pooling around his waist, and for a wild second, he thinks he's about to get robbed and is going to die in his apartment after being unable to defend himself properly. It's a jump in logic, he knows, but when you're given a rude awakening (literally), logical thinking simply doesn't exist.

He rubs at his sleep crusted eyes. The pounding has stopped, and he breathes out a sigh of relief. He looks over at the clock on his bedside table.

04:05 glares back at him in bright red.

He falls back onto his pillow, ready to knock out again, and then his doorbell starts ringing.

Letting out a string of curses under his breath, he slips into his slippers and slowly makes his way out of his room.

He has half a mind to take something to defend himself but decides against it.

I guess this is how I'll die because I was too lazy to grab something to defend myself with, he thinks. Woe is me. 

However, still bordering on the side of caution, he takes a look through the peephole and instead of someone unfamiliar like he had expected, he sees Jackson standing there.

His boyfriend, who apparently doesn't understand that there's a right time and right place to come knocking down someone's door the way he just did. 

"What the fuck are you doing at my door at four in the morning?" is the first thing that slips out of his mouth in a quiet hiss the moment he swings the door open and is greeted with a full view of Jackson standing in the hallway under the washed out yellow light, looking very much dishevelled and unkempt, a shadow of a stubble on his chin. He's wearing a tank top, paired poorly with loose looking pyjama bottoms.

"Because of that text you sent me after ignoring me for days," comes the tired sounding reply.

"So you decided to come here at the most inconvenient of times and cause a ruckus?" Jinyoung questions, arms crossed over his chest, glowering down at him.

"Yes." Jackson lets out a frustrated sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "Correction on that front. No, that was not my intention. I just— I wanted to talk."

Jinyoung stares at him, contemplating his options. He'd tell him to piss off and come back at a more suitable time, but he's here anyway and he didn't want to cause any more commotion than Jackson probably already had when he decided to pound on his door at this godawful hour.

He's probably going to be hearing from his neighbours about this, and that's not exactly something he's looking forward to, so it puts him in an even worse mood than he was already initially in.

Begrudgingly, he makes his way back into his apartment, making a beeline for the kitchen; his throat feels parched. He grabs a mug and fills it with cold water, then downs it all in a matter of seconds.

"Would you like some tea?" he questions, voice laced with sarcasm and a bit of spite as he turns to face Jackson who's now standing at the entranceway of the kitchen, remaining uncharacteristically quiet, hands shoved in his pockets. 

"No, but I would like for us to talk." His voice sounds strained, vocals tight, and Jinyoung feels just a tad bit sorry for him. That feeling is paired with slight irritation and the want to stick the man's head in a bin for wanting to talk at four in the fucking morning, but his sleep-addled brain doesn't allow him to feel any more beyond that.

"There's nothing to talk about," he says, curtly, making his way to the living room. He occupies the couch, eyes glued to Jackson as he gingerly takes a seat next to him, leaving a comfortable amount of space between them. "Not when it's four in the morning, when I should be sleeping. I don't know about you, but I value my sleep very much, if you couldn't quite tell by now."

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