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jinyoung: do you know youngjae?

jackson: i know practically everyone

jinyoung: ugh whatever, why did i even bother asking

jackson: why?

jackson: did he say something bad about me?

jackson: trust i will kick his ass for that

jinyoung: no, your name came up during our conversation

jackson: oh

jackson: i'm 100% interested and invested now, tell me how my name came up

jackson: did you bring my name up?

jackson: didn't know you thought about me that much

jackson: i'm flattered and flustered

jinyoung: wouldn't you like an ego booster

jinyoung: we were talking about group projects, so the topic of annoying and useless group members naturally came up

jackson: i'll take the annoying part, but i will not be called useless

jackson: did he tell you anything about me?

jinyoung: he did tell me... things about you

jinyoung: he says you can be a bit annoying at times, but you're a good person with a great sense of humour

jinyoung: and so i told him i did not like you

jinyoung: and then he told me my dislike for you is misplaced

jinyoung: so i changed topics after he said that

jinyoung: i don't take criticism

jackson: geez

jackson: why do you hate me so much, anyways?

jinyoung: that is really none of your business.

jackson: harsh


jackson: maybe i should create a powerpoint presentation and shower you with reasons on why you should like me

jackson: and why you should return my affection

jackson: how does that sound?

jackson: it will be great, you'll fall in love with me and we'll live happily ever after. i'm already working on it as i speak.

jackson: please anticipate it <3

a/n: Believe it or not, I actually spent time to make a powerpoint presentation for this special occasion (I got carried away while working on this story), so look forward to that in the next chapter. 🤣

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