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jackson: i just had a thought

jinyoung: you think?

jinyoung: that means you use your brain

jinyoung: that's a surprise

jackson: fuck you

jinyoung: wouldn't you like to

jackson: is that an invitation?

jackson: i'd be gentle

jinyoung: i'm just going to pretend you never messaged me any of that and delete them because this is getting a bit too weird for my liking


jackson: the lack of indulgence, wow

jackson: and for the record, you started it so the abrupt change in direction isn't exactly my fault

jackson: anyway, back to my thought

jackson: what would you do if i asked you out on a date?

jinyoung: that would be a hard no from me

jackson: but why?

jackson: did my powerpoint not convince you enough?

jinyoung: it did the opposite of convincing me

jinyoung: and i've decided against dating after having to sit through that horribly boring date

jackson: but i make dates fun

jackson: and i could make you like me, if you'd give me the chance to prove myself

jinyoung: your failed attempts to make me like you is very funny to me, so keep them coming

jackson: to think my misery feeds your laughter

jackson: you're a sadist, aren't you?

jinyoung: i am not a sadist

jackson: sure, sure, whatever you say

jinyoung: here's your reminder that no matter what you do, i'll still think of you as an annoying prick. don't forget that

jackson: it's not like you ever let me forget in the first place



jinyoung: i can't come today

jackson: why not?

jackson: is everything okay?

jinyoung: i woke up with a fever and i keep sneezing, and my head feels like it's going to explode

jinyoung: i'm lying in bed right now and am trying very hard not to die

jinyoung: my phone is giving me a migraine but i needed to inform you

jackson: what's your address?

jinyoung: none of your business

jackson: i can go over with some food or something

jinyoung: i don't need you to do that, i'll be fine

jinyoung: i don't want to be held responsible if you end up getting sick too

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