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jackson: i can't believe we're 3/4 done with this project

jackson: starting early really was a good idea

jinyoung: my ideas have always been good ideas.

jackson: i sometimes wonder if you have your head stuck up your own ass or something

jackson: it's so far up you can't help but spew nonsense like this

jinyoung: you'd be turning in a disaster of a project if it isn't for me

jinyoung: i think i deserve more credit than this

jackson: i'm not going to deny that you do deserve more credit than this

jackson: want a kiss as a consolation prize?

jinyoung: i do not want your chapped lips any where near mine

jackson: how do you know they're chapped?

jinyoung: because of my 20/20 vision, that's how. you need lip balm. or chapstick.

jackson: dude, you wear glasses

jinyoung: it's an illusion

jackson: i'm not saying it's a bad thing. you look cute in them; i've sometimes wondered how it would be like if i kissed you while you had them on


jinyoung: can you stop being weird for like one second?

jackson: if liking you is weird then i don't mind being weird


jackson: i remember you mentioning your favourite korean dramas when we were having lunch together

jackson: i'm starting one of them right now

jackson: i have to say, your taste in entertainment is pretty poor

jackson: i thought you were better then this, smh


jackson: okay wait, this is actually pretty funny. what the fuck are they doing?


jackson: i have other things to do but i can't stop watching, what did you do to me??



jackson: oh my god, is the female lead going to pick the asshole dude? this does NOT sit right with me

jackson: i'm so fucking mad for the second male lead


jackson: thank god i don't have classes today or i'd be fucking dead

jackson: i WILL jump into the drama and stab this bitch

jackson: my murderous tendencies are coming to life

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