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jackson: i saw jaebeom's instagram story

jackson: he was hanging out with you and this other cute guy?

jackson: i think his name is mark, he was tagged in the story

jackson: like, he's really fucking cute

jackson: yeah, just went back and checked

jackson: name's mark tuan

jackson: but of course, you're much cuter than him, which is saying a lot.

jackson: speaking of which, how did we end up not exchanging our instas?

jackson: i requested to follow you

jackson: of course you'd be one of those people to have a private account

jackson: maybe i should set mine to private too, considering how many incriminating pics i have on there

jackson: wouldn't be good for my future employment prospects


jinyoung: why are you always spamming me?

jackson: should have continued to block me if you didn't want me spamming you

jinyoung: don't encourage me, i've blocked you twice and i won't hesitate to do it again


jackson: we've been friends for two months

jinyoung: i don't think of you as a friend

jackson: okay, correction: we've been acquaintances for two months

jinyoung: i don't think of you as an acquaintance, either

jinyoung: you're like the weird dude next door i am forced to deal with on an almost daily basis; it's draining and also a bit depressing

jackson: you'd go on a date with the weird dude next door?

jinyoung: for the last time, it wasn't a date.

jackson: you can deny that you're gay for me all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are, indeed, very gay for me.

jinyoung: why are you assuming my sexuality?

jackson: well, you don't seem very straight to me

jinyoung: that's a big assumption to be making about someone

jinyoung: but then again, it's not like you're wrong either

jinyoung: anyways, i don't know why i'm telling you that, it's none of your business

jinyoung: can we get back on track?

jackson: right, so we've had a hidden relationship together for two months

jinyoung: you're making this sound worse and worse

jackson: i'm making a point

jackson: i think it's fair to say you should entrust me with your address

jinyoung: no.

jackson: why not?

jinyoung: knowing you, you'd visit me in the middle of the night, cause a ruckus, wake my neighbours up and i'd end up getting several noise complaints and then i'd get evicted

jackson: that's a stretch

jinyoung: when it comes to you, nothing is a stretch

jackson: you seem to know me better than i know myself

jinyoung: i am not giving you my address.

jackson: i'll just ask jaebeom, then

jinyoung: you will not.

jackson: then i'll ask mark

jackson: did i tell you we hit it off in the dms?

jackson: i requested to follow him and he accepted my request and followed me back, so i dmed him, and we started talking

jackson: we've become best friends in the span of a few hours.

jackson: i think i like him a lot


jinyoung: why are you telling me all of this?

jinyoung: i didn't ask, and i don't care either.

jinyoung: it doesn't pertain to me


jinyoung: you know, if you like him that much then whey don't you go and talk to him instead of badgering me everyday?

jinyoung: maybe it would make me like you more because you won't always up my ass every minute of the day


jinyoung: i hope you know that i was not in the right mind when texting you all of that so if you could be so kind to ignore whatever the fuck that was, that would be great


jackson: i come back from dinner and a shower and i see someone sending me texts with hints of them being jealous

jackson: isn't that a treat?

jinyoung: did you not read my last message? i was not in the right mind when i sent them

jackson: sure, monsieur i-am-jealous-but-won't-admit-it


jinyoung: piss off.

jinyoung: [address sent]

jinyoung: only doing this because you begged.

jackson: i'll pay you a visit one of these days :)) xx

jinyoung: don't "xx" me

jinyoung: that's weird

a/n: Bawled my eyes out over ep 6 of Squid Game and now here I am 😂

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