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They were supposed to be on a study date at one the cafés they usually go to, but they somehow ended up chilling in Jinyoung's bed instead, limbs tangled under the covers, hiding themselves away from the world.

"You think I'll make it to the next stage?"

"Of course you will," Jackson says. "Baby, you meet the requirements, and you've completed an internship there last year. And your excellent academic record. I mean, that does matter to an extent, at least when you're trying to get your foot in the door for the jobs you're specifically applying. You have what it takes, I know you do."

Jinyoung rests his cheek on Jackson's chest. He feels the rise and fall and sinks into the feeling for a bit. "Going out into the world like this is a bit scary, don't you think? Like, I know what I want to do with my life and that's already way ahead of the curve in comparison to other people around our age, but it's still nerve wracking."

"It's not going to be an easy transition," Jackson agrees, carding his fingers through Jinyoung's hair. "But I think we'll do fine. We're lucky enough to have a good idea of where we are headed, to have some shit in our lives figured out. And even if we didn't, and we were like the majority, we'll eventually find something to settle into. And you know, just because this is what we want now, doesn't mean it's necessarily going to stay the same later on. Maybe we'll end up losing direction in the future. You never know."

"That's a take to have," Jinyoung mumbles. "I'd hate to lose direction in my life."

"You're the type to like to have control over your life, aren't you?"

"I can't say you're wrong."

Jackson hums, planting a kiss on Jinyoung's forehead. "I'll be there for you if that happens. Always. I'll help you find your way again."

Jinyoung looks up and meets his sincere gaze, and a warm smile decorates his lips. "And vice versa."


"...What if they hate me?"

Jinyoung blinks, then turns to face Jackson, leaning his elbow on the railing of his balcony. "Jackson, you were literally so confident about impressing them, what happened to that confidence?"

"Look, sometimes we need to fake it till we make it, okay? I don't want them to dislike me and think I'm some weird dude who doesn't deserve their son. And I don't want them to think you've made the wrong choice or something like that." He sighs, tugging at his sleeves. "I just... I want to be good enough for you, and I don't know if I am."

Jinyoung sighs, grasping around his elbow, gently tugging him around to face him. "Sweetheart, calm down. You'll be fine. They will love you, okay? And you are good enough. You're better than just good enough. You're the best."

"How are you so sure about that?"

"Because you're the best thing that has happened to me, ever, and they're very well aware of that. I'm very well aware of that. They know you make me so, so happy."

"You told them a lot about me, haven't you?"

"Yes, and I've also shown them photos. They say you're very handsome. My sisters say I have a good eye." He moves closer then, settling a hand over Jackson's. "If you aren't ready, we don't have to do this, you know that right?" His voice is soft, tender, reassuring.

Jackson shuffles his feet, exhaling softly. "No, I already said I was going to go so I'm not going to back out last minute. It's just— I really do want to meet them and I'm excited for it, but I also don't want to let them down. They're important people in your life, and I don't want to disappoint them."

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