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jinyoung: why weren't you in class today?

jackson: fancy seeing you in my notifications with a message like this after a week of ghosting me

jackson: i woke up late and couldn't be bothered making the trek

jackson: you do know it takes me at least an hour to get to campus, right?

jinyoung: no, i didn't know that. and that's my problem because?

jinyoung: we were being briefed on our project, and you missed it because you overslept. that's very responsible of you

jackson: just take a picture of the notes you took and send it to me or something

jackson: in fact, let me make it easier for you

jackson: here's my email address: jcksnwng852@project.com

jackson: you take your notes on google docs, right? like a normal person would. send the link over.

jinyoung: fuck sake.

jinyoung: i wouldn't be dealing with this shit if we weren't paired together

jackson: thanks in advance <3


jinyoung: i've sent you the notes

jackson: thanks, babe


jackson: oh god, my left-on-read kink is kicking in again, and it's kicking in hard


jackson: you really are no fun, you know?



jackson: ngl, i was waiting for you to text me back, but that waiting was done in vain

jackson: i'll be retiring to bed now

jackson: good night, and sweet dreams

jackson: because i know i will be having vvvvv sweet dreams about you ;)

a/n: What can I say, texting fics are extremely fun to write. The chapters will get longer later down the track.

Thanks for reading, and do vote and tell what you think so far! <3

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