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jackson: jinyoung, where's my hoodie?

jinyoung: what hoodie

jackson: the hoodie i let you borrow

jinyoung: ohhh

jinyoung: lol, idk what you're talking about

jackson: did you steal ANOTHER one of my hoodies???

jinyoung: no i didn't.

jackson: baby, you could have just asked, you know i'll give them to you without any objections.

jinyoung: sorry, the call's disconnecting

jackson: don't you dare use my own bullshit against me!! that's my line

jinyoung: the line dropped

jinyoung: oops :p

jackson: you're SO annoying

jinyoung: i'm learning from the best ;)

jinyoung: look, your hoodie is just so comfy and i know i have a lot of hoodies in my closet buuuuuuut what's the harm in owning another one? especially if it's yours?

jackson: ...

jinyoung: do i get to keep it?

jackson: it's not like you would return them even if i asked for them back

jinyoung: that's too true

jinyoung: you know me too well <33

jinyoung: i'm gonna hop off, i have work tomorrow

jackson: oh yeah

jackson: good luck with work!

jinyoung: you too :D

jackson: :) <3



jackson: good evening, m'love

jinyoung: good evening to you too

jinyoung: i'm soooo tired :(

jackson: still not used to it?

jinyoung: yeah...

jinyoung: i mean, i'm slowly getting used to it

jinyoung: but i feel like i'm gonna get fired before i can even settle in properly

jackson: oh come on, you know that's not gonna happen

jinyoung: ugh, i just don't feel like i fit in, nor do i feel like i'm doing well

jinyoung: this self doubt is very energy consuming

jackson: you're only a few months in, you'll gradually feel more confident

jinyoung: i hope

jinyoung: or god help me

jinyoung: what about you? you don't seem to complain about work much, now that i think about it

jackson: i'm trying to stay positive

jinyoung: baby, i'm gonna need that mindset of yours

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