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jackson: how many subjects are you taking this term?

jinyoung: 2

jinyoung: that's all i need to complete my degree

jackson: fuck, i've got 3

jinyoung: you'll survive

jackson: can't believe we don't have any subjects in common this semester, this is the worst. seriously. 

jinyoung: i'm more in disbelief that this is our final term of uni

jackson: our graduation ceremony is being held next year, right?

jinyoung: yeah, it's in may next year. we would have had it at the end of this year if we had finished our degrees last term.

jinyoung: actually

jinyoung: it would be on our anniversary

jackson: wait, actually?

jackson: may 12th?

jinyoung: yup

jackson: omg. 

jackson: that's going to be fun, it's a two in one package celebration deal we've got here 

jackson: time really does fly past, doesn't it?

jackson: it's been a few months since we've started dating, god bless. 

jackson: and we also dealt with our second semester where you barely passed one of your subjects

jinyoung: we don't talk about that

jinyoung: there was a glitch in the simulation

jackson: we do, because i've never seen you so distraught over something before

jackson: luckily you had me there to cheer you up, to wipe your tears away

jinyoung: for the last time, i did not cry.

jackson: yeah, the fabric of my shirt that was soaked with your tears would say otherwise, you absolute nerd.

jackson: before you know it, we'll be married and will be adopting children together

jinyoung: who says i want to start a family with you?

jackson: who else would want to start a family with you other than me?

jackson: you don't really have a choice in this, sweetcheeks

jinyoung: i'm blocking you



jackson: i miss you

jinyoung: we went on a date yesterday, did we not?

jackson: yeah, but i still miss you

jackson: like, i don't know how to explain it but it's this longing i have

jackson: like i want you to be here with me, 24/7

jackson: even though i know that's stupid and pretty much impossible

jackson: unless we move in together

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