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jinyoung: where are you?

jackson: good morning to you too, love

jackson: i went out to get something

jinyoung: why didn't you wake me up? i could have tagged along

jackson: you were sleeping so peacefully, i couldn't find it in myself to disturb you

jackson: you know, after such an exhilarating night we had last night

jinyoung: making out for the most of the night really isn't as exhilarating as you're trying to make it out to be

jackson: that's not what you said when you had your hands in my hair and my mouth on your neck

jinyoung: piss off

jinyoung: when will you be back?

jackson: don't worry, i'll return soon enough

jackson: don't miss me too much

jinyoung: uh, no one's missing you here

jackson: that's a lie and we both know that


jackson: i'm back

jackson: open the door

jinyoung: for the hundredth time, why can't you knock like a normal person?

jacskon: not exactly my fault you fell for an oddball, is it now?

"Where were you?" Jinyoung asks as Jackson steps over the threshold. He eyes the bag he's carrying as he closes the door. "What is that?" he questions, following Jackson into his bedroom.

Jackson raises the bad, dangling it at eye-level. "This? New shoes."

"New shoes?" Jinyoung echoes, plopping down onto the edge of his bed. His eyes follow Jackson as the older approaches him. "Your current shoes look perfectly fine to me."

"They aren't for me," Jackson says, sliding the box out of the bag. "They're for you."

Jinyoung blinks, bemused. "For me?" he asks. "I don't need new shoes."

"Your current shoes look tattered and old," Jackson explains, looking at Jinyoung as if he's too dense to understand. "And it's nearly your birthday so I figured you'd do well with a pair of new shoes." He lifts the lid of the box, showing the pair of shoes to Jinyoung. 

Jinyoung eyes the shoes nestled neatly in the box, recyclable paper placed neatly under. A slight frown makes its way onto his face. 

"How much are they? They look pretty expensive."

"See, you don't ask someone how much the gift they bought you costs. It's rude," Jackson says, wagging his finger at Jinyoung. He takes the shoes out of the box, then kneels down in front of Jinyoung. "These should fit. I took a look at your shoe size before I left," he mumbles, lifting Jinyoung's foot up to slide it into one of the shoes. He's silent for a second, contemplating. "It looks good," he finally says, slipping the other shoe onto his other foot. He laces them up, and for such a small task, he seems to be concentrating pretty hard. 

Jinyoung finds himself staring down at Jackson, in fondness and in awe. "You're more attentive than I thought," he remarks, softly.

Jackson tilts his head up, locking eyes with him. "I am, aren't I?" Jackson says, accepting the compliment with a graceful smile. "I'm especially attentive to the people I like a lot." He pats the side of Jinyoung's leg. "Stand up and give them a test, see if they fit well."

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