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The moment Jinyoung opens the door, Jackson is spilling himself into his arms, pulling him into a tight hug. He has to steady himself so he doesn't end up keeling over from the sudden weight, holding them both upright as best as he could.

"Jackson," he says, softly, the dull ache in his chest which had settled there from hours before dissolving at the sight of the other. After a second of hesitation, he gives in, wrapping his arms around Jackson.

They stand there for god knows how long, unspoken words lingering on the tip of their tongues, wrapped up in each other's presence. The faint scent of Jackson's shampoo is enough to relax him.

"Baby," Jackson breathes out, pulling away.

Jinyoung drags his fingers down Jackson's arms, grasping around his elbows.

He reaches out, cupping Jinyoung's cheeks in his hands, tender and gentle.

"It takes a lot of courage to admit that you like someone, regardless of if you're the one to have confessed first or not," he says, softly, "and I understand how you feel." He swallows, visibly, gazing at Jinyoung. "Feelings are fucking terrifying, I agree. And they can suck. Big time."

He sucks in a deep breath, gently caressing Jinyoung's cheek with his thumb. His gaze never leaves him, holding him in place, like an anchor.

Jinyoung couldn't look away, even if he wanted to.

"But they don't always suck. It doesn't have to suck. They aren't always terrifying. No matter how hard it is, I want you to know I'll be there with you, every step of the way. We won't be immune to the bullshit life's going to throw at us, and I'm not saying that there won't be hiccups along the way, but at least we'll get through them together, right? If we hold ourselves back because we're scared then we'll never get what we want. If we don't try then we'll be left with wondering about the could haves, the should haves, the would haves, and I don't— I don't want to have to wonder about those, while knowing I've missed out." He breaks eye contact, eyes drifting to the side, an air of uncertainty about him. "But that is only if you want this too. I don't want to force you into anything."

And his uncertainty breaks Jinyoung a little— A lot.

He swallows down his fear. "...I think I want this," Jinyoung says, softly. He shakes his head. "No, I— I'm sure I want this."

Jackson's eyes flicker back up to him. "Really? Are you sure?"

"Your speech there has sort of convinced me," Jinyoung says, tone teasing. "An idiot rambling about feelings and all that cliché shit does something to you, you know? Especially when it's an idiot you yourself have a fucktonne of feelings for. A whole fucking ocean of feelings for you to drown yourself in."

Jackons's hand slides to the nape of his neck, fingers curling gently around, bringing Jinyoung back to the time they kissed on the rooftop of this very building. A familiar warmth floods his cheeks at the intimate gesture, floods his entire being, and he wonders if they're going to kiss again.

He hopes they are.

He'd like that, very much.

He's staring at Jackson's lips in a very open manner, and he doesn't know what to do with himself.

"I think that's the only time I'll ever be okay with drowning," Jackson says, then reels Jinyoung in to plant a kiss at the very corner of his lips.

Jinyoung short circuits at that, mind going blank for a second.

Jesus fucking Christ.

"And I do hope that's not my pet name. I think I can live without the literal love of my life calling me an idiot."

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