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jinyoung: i'm here

jinyoung: where are you?

jackson: i'm nearly there, give me a few minutes

"So we're done here, right?" Jackson questions, leaning back into his seat and stretching his limbs out. He stifles a yawn behind his hand. "I woke up too early for this."

"When did you wake up?" Jinyoung asks, out of slight curiousity, as he packs his laptop into his bag. He's always suspected the guy likes his sleep, if him sleeping during their lectures is anything to go by, but not to this extent.

"Eleven," Jackson answers, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hands. "I slept late."

"I figured as much," Jinyoung mumbles, swinging his bag over his shoulders. "Thanks for today, you were actually more helpful than I had originally thought," he says, glancing in Jackson's direction. He lets out a small huff of exasperation when he sees the other already on his phone. "I'll see you next week."

As he turns to leave, he feels a hand wrap around his wrist. He turns around, staring at the other with a bemused expression.

Beaming up at him, Jackson says, "Let's get lunch together."

Jinyoung's ready to protest, but the words die on the tip of his tongue before they get a chance to make it out as a loud growl emits from his stomach. He glances down for a second, then glances back at Jackson whose beam has turned into a smug grin, head tilted to the side.

He feels his cheeks warming up at a rapid rate.

Out of all the times his body could betray him, it had to be now.

How inconvenient.

Giving his wrist a gentle squeeze, Jackson says, "Let's go. It's my treat."


jinyoung: what's your bank account number?

jackson: are you trying to steal my money?

jinyoung: no, idiot

jinyoung: i want to pay you back

jinyoung: i don't like owing people money, especially not when it comes to you

jackson: it's fine

jackson: like i said, it's my treat

jinyoung: i don't need you treating me

jackson: god, you're always so grumpy

jackson: i think that's why i'm attracted to you

jackson: i have a weird taste

jinyoung: i'll pay you back in cash when i see you next week

jackson: it was twenty bucks, you don't have to worry about it

jackson: you can pay me back by treating me next time

jackson: or better yet, you can try and treat me better

jinyoung: twenty dollars isn't going to buy my love, jackson

jackson: oh

jackson: then how much will it take to buy your love?


jackson: if not love, then how much will it take to buy your friendship?


jackson: i'm going to win you over one day, just you wait


jinyoung: yeah, that's not happening.

jinyoung: but you can keep dreaming.

a/n: Little does Jinyoung know what's coming for him.

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