Chapter 1

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Kaito lived in a mansion. Life was perfect to those that didn't know and no one knew me truly. They pretend to know him and sit in their smug arrogance claiming things they don't truly understand. His house was a daydream for most

The house was a daydreaming castle. With beautiful sapphire walls and ceiling-high torches hanging down and illuminating our rooms. The torches were simple yet absolutely breathtaking, they shined a beautiful cerulean blue. The chandeliers were so mystical and Kaito would always be lost in the mystery of the house, exploring the basements and secret chambers

The loneliness was a haunting reminder of the emptiness that gripped the house sometimes and so he would always want to leave. The emptiness of a mother's death. His father would console him but Kaito would always miss her, arguing that a part of him broke off when she died. His father would do his best to take him out on his adventures to keep his mind off his mother and to lift his spirits

The biggest treasure she gave him was his small dagger. It had a small jewel encrusted on the crimson hilt. It was a small gift but he cherished it ever since. The death of his mother would make it his most prized possession

Marine Kuzan or Aokiji as the world knew him would always bring his 10-year-old child to the safer fights. The young child would start to receive a reputation as a mystery. People made rumors that maybe he was more powerful than the admiral himself. Maybe he was dragged to the battlefield and forced to fight since no child would want to come to a dangerous place

Kuzan always encouraged his child to relax and let him do the work but Kaito would always refuse. "What good is watching a fight if you don't take part," Kaito would pout when Kuzan confronted him. Kuzan would reluctantly let him participate in beating the small fries

Kaito would run towards the bandits or criminals with his small dagger and with the personal training he received from his father and many trainers, and most of the time beat them with little effort but the times he found himself in danger

His father's friend, Uncle Kizaru would stoop in and save him. "In danger again?" he asked him in his slow drawn out wind-like voice. Kaito found himself often thanking him for saving him but the older man would just smile back

Kaito honestly found him as an almost second father. He was kind to him always and acted as a parent whenever Aokiji wasn't to be found or was busy with work. Kizaru had his own duties and was incredibly bored whenever he was finished so he didn't really mind

From summer splashes to winter ashes, Kizaru started to like Kaito slowly overtime till every friday they would go on a little adventure

It usually involved much fighting and a lot of fun.

My mother named him Kaito because she always encouraged him to travel to places and explore the world. Kaito swore they would do it together but she died before the dream could be realised 

Kaito was born with a rare curse of regeneration. Wounds inflicted on him would heal faster. It was an unusual curse that was never spoken about . It was unacknowledged by him until it started

Every day was just an endless loop of pain and broken hope. As soon as my dad would leave to do his marine work, she would turn into a monster. A bloodthirsty monster with crimson eyes and a knife suddenly in her pocket. The scars would always be either on my thigh or next to my bicep

Dad never noticed. He was always in his dreamland with his new "kind, caring" wife. Whenever I told him of how cruel she was, he would brush me off as an attention seeker and a god-forsaken manipulating liar. He wouldn't even allow the discussion and hopelessness grew in my heart

"This is the Kaze Kaze no Mi. It will give you the ability to control and produce wind" Dad said holding the fruit out. I reluctantly took it from his calloused hands and he leaned back against the wall and looked at me

I brought the fruit closer to my mouth and licked it. It was so sour and I was ready to spit it out until I realized it would give me power

I took a small bite but died all the same. That day I ate small parts of the fruit around the day because eating the fruit all at once would probably make me faint

She came into the room hours after I ate the fruit. I was practicing controlling the wind and could only manage a light breeze that moved a few leaves

That was the moment I knew. I can't live like this. I can't dream of seemingly impossible enchanting illusions and let them remain dreams. My father's heart is blind to the truth and so relying on him is foolish

That was the moment I realized someone who refuses to see the truth and sits on a throne of blissful just as responsible as the one who commits the evil. Someone who is so obviously blinded by their repulsive love for their wife but blinded enough to dismiss true scars and constant confessions as lies

She was Yui Kuzan. Her face was an enchanting puzzle to someone who didn't know her, but to me, it was a cruel reminder. In this world, even the cruel were granted emerald eyes that shimmered so perfectly. She had perfect round cheeks that held an ever-present tiny blush that seemed to completely captivate anyone. Her voice was so soft, and gentle, and felt as welcoming as the free-flowing ocean waters but I knew it was some ill-fated facade

I remembered the mesmerizing lavender scent as she walked toward me. Her face was cruel and savage, with a cruel smirk penetrating my comfortability. Her blonde beautiful hair would always be bloody but it would never be my blood again.

She was within a few meters of me and gripped her sword tightly. Her stature loomed menacingly over mine as I moved backward until I met a wall. All my previous courage and wanting change was morphed into the darkest shade of fear

She had never used a sword before. She always used a knife so she must have been in an especially horrible mood. Her knife glistened and she waved it near my face

She chucked slightly before saying "Death catches the slowest horse" she said as she held the sword near my neck. The cold edge pressed against my neck and made a small drop of blood roll down my neck.

"Kaito" my father suddenly called out from a different room

her face froze, calculating and confused. She kept her sword close to my neck but allowed herself to relax and listen. 

Her face froze and held an animalistic scowl that bore resemblance to a hound of hell. Her face turned into the palest shade of white and her eye twitched angrily. She took a deep breath in and kept her crazed stare at me

"What do you need of him? He's currently sleeping" she lied smoothly with her tongue grazing her upper lip and look of pure excitement passed darkened her face. It sent shivers down my spine and I found it hard not to cower as she stared at me with a look of pure amusement

"Scared?" she whispered in her sweet tone as her sword was lightly placed on my shoulder. Fear gripped me and shook me like a tamed dog. I struggled to keep eye contact and not look at my shoulder. Almost experimentally, she pricked my arm slightly with the sword

 My hands were soon bloody crimson shooting stars as the blood slowly dripped to the floor. I knew I would heal after a few hours and I'd be fine but it wouldn't hurt any less

She started laughing manically. Her laughter was a torturous laugh sound like a knife of the utmost darkness scraping at a metal heart. It was almost as painful as the sword itself

 I could try using my devil fruit but I could barely even produce any wind. It would be a huge risk. She could easily kill me if I fail. There are so many risks and dangers of this. I'm petrified as she continues laughing manically

What will be her next move? My mind ponders but it knows the answer all too well

Yui was like a relentless beast that dragged it's prey before getting to the action

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