Chapter 16: Help

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I marched forward but I felt like I was forgetting something

I turned around and realized the Fishman child was still there, chains restricting his freedom

I walked carefully towards him as he looked at me, clearly scared. His eyes sensed doom as he tried to move away from me.

 His sorry state didn't allow him to do. He tried to kick at me and I realized how frightened he was

He was frightened...of me. I unlocked the keys binding his ankles together than did the same to his hands. I was about to walk away before I heard his voice. 

"Take me with you, mister," he said as I heard his voice tremble. 

I couldn't just leave him so  I motioned for him to follow me as 

 We walked together as the village people gave him weird looks. I put my hand on his back as we walked but I don't really know if that was a comfort

 I walked him to my room as I looked for my keys along the way. On my bag, in my pockets. I looked in my hood in case someone put it there

It took me so long to get to my room. The sun was literally about to set yet I could not find my keys

"Here's the thing, I think I might have dropped my keys," I said in my monotone voice even though I was slightly embarrassed. But then again, the kid did decide to come along so it was his fault if he find me unusual

"Here," He handed me the keys

I heard his voice again. His voice had a coarse texture to it almost like fire. It held hope and misery and sadness and anger- all blended into a single voice. Almost like roots and how they hid away in the winter but grew back in spring exposing themselves to predators and evil things. He was like that. Exposing himself to the good of the world (Me?) and exposing himself to the bad of the world which was the slave traders. That much was easy to figure out

How did he have my keys anyway?

"You dropped it. I picked it up" he said defending himself like a deer in the headlights. It was like playing Russian roulette. You didn't know what cards fate dealt you yet you kept moving on. I didn't know why I took the boy in and if I was even an appropriate person to take him in. Aokiji

I opened the door to my room and motioned for him to enter the room. He did so but I could see the clear hesitation in his movements. I didn't feel quite comfortable taking my mask off so I kept it on for the time being

"Are you hungry?" I asked awkwardly. He didn't need to answer that one as I heard his stomach. I started cooking. It wasn't a particularly good talent of mine but I knew how to do it decently enough to not die and make eating somewhat enjoyable

I was confused about what to make since I knew absolutely nothing about him and I didn't want to use too much money so I decided to make a random thing

The result was fine-ish. I made some next fish pie thing that I read was good. I tried it and didn't vomit so I decided it was fine to eat.

I served the boy his food and sat opposite him, just eyeing him carefully. The boy was still wearing his ragged dirty clothes and you could see his slave mark on his chest. 

It was at that moment that I realized I didn't even know his name

"Hey," I said to get his attention. He looked at me terrified and confused

"Y-yeah?" The poor child was even stuttering

"What's your name?" I asked with a smile before giving up realizing my mask was on

"Kane" he replied slowly in a low voice

"Dig in, Kane," I said as I dug in myself. Honestly, the food wasn't that great but it

1) Didn't kill me

2) Didn't make me puke

3) Read 1 and 2

So it wasn't too bad.

"Kane" I called. Kane stopped eating and then tilted his head

"Yes?" he replied

"Do you have a family?" I asked tilting my head

I'm back babes. I'll try to be more consistent but no promises. I'm surprised some people still come to this book as I thought it would have died but guess not. It somehow grew

How have you all been?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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