Chapter 12: Surprise? Guess not

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Law was aged down to 20 instead of 24 ( pre timeskip) so he is 11 right now. Same age as Ace and Sabo to make this story slightly smoother

After bumping into Doflamingo again, he offered with me to live with him permanently or temporarily if I chose to. I obviously choose to stay temporarily but truth be told- I mostly stayed with him because I knew he would keep asking me and I had absolutely nothing to do. Currently, I was sitting on the table calmly eating sitting next to Doflamingo, the dual haired woman who I learned to be Giolla was present, and Rosinante was sitting to my right

"I never expected a Warlord to have etiquette and hospitality-Why are you so intent on me staying here?" I asked raising a eyebrow hidden by my mask. "I raised my eyebrow, just so you know" I said chuckling as I turned to look at him. He wore his usual smile and calmly replied

"You are so interesting. You wear a mask that you barely lift off when eating. I am so tempted to just pull it off" Doflamingo said chuckling. I closed my eyes and said

"Just to let you know, I would have killed you if you did. I can forgive anything but that." I said while eating 

"Feisty" Doflamingo muttered before saying "I did say I was tempted to. I am not going to do it. I have standards , you know" he said as he sighed

"Just warning you. As much as I trust you, you are still a Shichibukai who could try to kill me at any time." I said then covered my mouth

"You trust me. My, my the great Kaito trusts me" Doflamingo said sarcastically and I couldn't help but chuckle

"You are lucky the great Kaito isn't fighting you" I retorted as Rosinante simply nodded

"See , even your own brother is on my side" I said chuckling pointed to Rosinante who had a look of betrayal

"You didn't hide the nod well" I said turning to look at him

"You know, I know basic ASL if you really want to talk" I said to him as he nodded. He started signing and I understood he said

"Thanks for letting me know but you still will not escape my wrath" he said while having a cold look

"Doflamingo, I might die sooner rather than later" I said going behind Doflamingo as Rosinante had an amused look on his face

"You are on your own" Doflamingo said grabbing me from behind and putting me in front of a smiling Rosinante.

"I need to do something" Doflamingo said leaving me with the creepy brother 

 Rosinante raised a hand in the air and just next to my face. Out of instinct , I closed my eyes and raised my hands to protect my face. Surprisingly, he just patted my head and ruffled my hair. I kept my eyes closed just in case then slowly opened them. I looked up to see him smiling in a conforting way as he ruffled my hair

I had blurry vision and then blinked my eyes. A tear came down and I think it went noticed by Rosinante as he pulled me into a weird conforting embrace they call a 'hug'. I hesitantly threw my arms around him, not knowing what to do at all. He put his hands behind my head and pushed my head to his chest. I really didn't know what to do so I just melted into the moment. He pulled away and I pulled away. We both looked away but I quietly whispered 

"Thank you" only for him to hear. He turned his head to smile at me and nodded

"You are not such a bad person, you know" I whispered and he nodded and smiled again. He signed

"Right back at you" and I simply smiled

"But thank you. Seriously. For the comforting gesture as well as the embrace" I said awkwardly and he simply smiled and signed

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