Chapter 8: Trust

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Sabo started living with us. I was happy but slightly suspicious since it was too random and he would always change the subject when I tried to talk to him about it

It has been a week since Ace found out that I knew his secret. Truth be told, I wanted to tell him exactly about my parentage to see if he would treat me differently but I shouldn't let kindness decide my actions.

Things have been calm and nothing important happened. I was currently reading a book on how to be more social against a tree trunk when I saw a shadow over me. 

It was Ace and he did not look happy

"Can I talk to you?" he asked and I nodded quickly

"I think Sabo's keeping something from me. Can I ask you to confirm my suspicion" he asked and I nodded rapidly wanting to know all this #gossip

"As we usually stole from the Goa Kingdom- a noble suddenly recognized Sabo and I think Sabo recognized him too. When I asked him, he denied knowing the old man. What do you think it means?" Ace asked sitting down beside me. He and I  have gotten kind of close. Perhaps closer than Sabo and Luffy

"If you want me to be honest. It's practically guaranteed he is hiding something. I doubt it's that bad knowing Sabo-" I started and he cut me off

"How can you know, Sabo?. You have only been here for a couple of months. I know Sabo much better than you" Ace shouted and I was slightly shocked at his outburst. I was slightly hurt but I have been through worse.

Suddenly, Ace realized how unfair he was being and apologized hugging me

"I had a bad day. Sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you" he said and I merely nodded

"It's fine. Well, that was your question answered. Anything else?" I asked and he shook his head

"You're not too bad," Ace said smiling sheepishly

"Well not to say this is boring which it is, but I have things to do," I said as he left. He merely thanked me and immediately left leaving me to my own thoughts

What would I want to do?

Become a marine with a mask would be my dream

But running away complete diminished that dream

Would I ever find a place in a world where I was completely in the middle

Should they ever find me I would go back to the torture

If I stay like this, I would undoubtedly never become a marine

I thought all of this while reading a book in our room. The book was called 'After The Fire' 

Note: This is a real book and if you are actually reading it. Skip this part

It was a book about a girl who was raised up in a cult but was taught that any people except cult members were demons and they should kill themselves should the 'demons' ever find them

It was really manipulative but it was just what I liked. A good story if you ask me. I decided to muster the courage to ask Sabo who that old man was. I decided to sneak on Dadan who was reading a newspaper. I crawled and crept out from behind her and asked in her ear

"Dadan, do you know where Sabo is? Sorry for asking again" I said as she almost fell

"You will be the death of me one day. He is outside" Dadan said

"They seemed to be telling each others secret. I didn't wanna interrupt but you should go" she said and I thanked her before slowly walking out. I almost tripped and hit a vase and I knew I would have almost been dead if she heard me. I knew she had a small soft spot on me since I actually treated her nicely compared to the others. I heard them talking so I hid behind a wall and pressed my ear into the wall

"So you are telling me- Sabo. Your family are nobels?" Ace asked and I felt my heart sink. My father always disliked novels so I naturally disliked them too. What the hell did I get myself into

Being 'brothers' with the son of the Pirate King, and the son of a noble. My, a couple of months ago I would have immediately left but I guess I am too attached.

"Yes" Sabo said guiltily looking at the ground

"You shouldn't have talked about such an important subject practically at the entrance of the house." I scolded appearing from behind the wall

"You heard that," Sabo said panicking.

"Yes" I said honestly and he suddenly pointed a finger to me

"Why would you eavesdrop. I thought you were mature enough not to" Sabo said accusingly. I merely shrugged my shoulders and said

"I was coming for a different reason but I heard 'Is it true you are the son of a noble then stayed behind the wall. This is just unfortunate timing for you" I said innocently

"Who are your parents?" Sabo asked me suddenly and instantly I froze

"I am not ready to tell you all." I said walking away

"But it's not fair. You know who our parents are." Ace said annoyed

"But you unintentionally told me. You would never tell me by choice. I am simply more careful than all of you" I said raising my eyebrow

"You all are lucky I am even going to tell you" I said glaring at Ace and sitting down

"What do you mean. We deserve it!" Ace said clenching his fist

"No , you don't" I instantly said causing them to be shocked

"I don't even know how you all will  treat me once you found out who I really am" I said in a broken voice, almost uncomparable to my normal voice

"Who you really are?" Ace questioned

"I am not saying anything more" I said standing up. I felt a hand on my shoulder

"I promise I won't judge you if you do tell us" Ace asked and he retracted his hand allowing me to walk free in complete peace "I understand the pain you are going through." he said as I walked away

Yeah right. He is the son of the Pirate King and he is among pirates. I am the son of an Admiral among Pirates. Of course it's different

He would never understand. Of course he wouldn't!  I said kicking a rock as I walked into the forest. Quite frankly, I was bored. I saw a bird flying with newspapers and I made myself rise with the air and eventually I was next to him

"Can I have the newspapers?" I said taking money out of my pocket and passing it to the bird. The bird slowly gave me the newspaper. I rose down to the ground and read it

I almost choked on my spit

Sorry for the cliffhanger

Thanks for reading and have a great day if you haven't had one already

Read my other books if you liked this one. My books are generally about managing your emotions while having action. This one probably has the second most active and is the most emotional. I can say I am pretty proud of this one but I realize I need to be more descriptive. 

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