Chapter 9:Rejection

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Pun intended ( if you don't get it, you don't). Funny thing about this 'pun'. It sounded really funny when I made it but after a sleeping on it- I forgot what the pun was LOL

It read as follows

Breaking News

We decided to ask Admiral Aiokiji some questions regarding his son after him isolating himself from the world. This is how the interview went. You should have tuned in for the audio!

Morgans: It's me- Morgans, talking to...please introduce yourself

Admiral Aokiji: It's me Marine Admiral Aokiji speaking

Morgans: I invited you here to ask you some questions. Is that all right?" 

Admiral Aiokiji: Of course

Morgans: Let's continues. One of the question people want to know is.....did your son seem all right the day before

Admiral  Aokiji: Yes, he seemed perfectly fine. I was just as shocked as the whole world.

Morgans: Were you sad?

Admiral Aokiji: Of course I was sad. But I was angry too. Throwing his life like that

Morgans: That's understandable. Would you say there was any motive for the suicide?

Admiral Aokiji: I think he was probably annoyed that I wasn't home that much. He would usually beg me to stay

Morgans: So the boy was very clingy.

Admiral Aokiji: Yes very clingy

Morgans: Do you have a picture of the boy on you

Admiral Aokiji: Yes. Here

Morgans: He looks very handsome. He really takes after his father. Except the purple hair

Admiral Aokiji: Is that all?

Morgans: I have one last question.  Are you angry at...

Admiral Aokiji: Kaito

Morgans: Are you angry at Kaito?

Admiral Aokiji: I am angry at the fact that he killed himself. Sad that I won't ever see him again

Admiral Kizaru: Kuzan, we have things to do.

Admiral Aokiji: I hate to interrupt this session but I have things to do so I will get going

Morgans: Well, that's unfortunate- please do take care

Admiral Aokiji: Sure

Morgans: Well you heard it from here first folks. Admiral Aokiji's first live TV appearance talking about his son

Here is the picture that Admiral Aokiji showed me

Here is the picture that Admiral Aokiji showed me

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