Chapter 2: Exploring

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'=thought, "=speech

"Very well, I have to go hunting," Kaito said standing up while Luffy pouted

"Why can't you stay with me more?" Luffy asked childishly

"Why would you want me to stay with you?" Kaito asked confused

"Because you are cool," Luffy shouted too loudly for Kaito's ears

"Because I am cool?" Kaito asked back very confused. No one had ever called him cool before 

"You heard that right, dummy" Luffy laughed while Kaito just tilted his head

"Well, I still have to go so see you whenever I see you again" Luffy started pouting

"But I haven't introduced you to Sabo" he said suddenly standing up and stretching his arm to grab Kaito by the shoulder

"HAVE YOU EATEN A DEVIL FRUIT?" Kaito manage to say while being dragged by Luffy who was laughing along the way

"Yes" Luffy replied while laughing like a maniac. Kaito got defensive so he sent a very light wind wave towards Luffy which made him backwards

"Are you ok?" asked Kaito while running the other way

"Come back here!" Luffy exclaimed as he chased Kaito. Kaito ran as fast as he could but Luffy wasn't too far behind and knowing his stretching abillity- Kaito would have to take precautions. He suddenly cut a tree sideways to slow Luffy but he knew that Luffy would be behind him at any moment

Suddenly as he ran around a corner, he saw a little boy with a black hat behind a tree motioning for him to hide next to him. Kaito complied by hiding behind the tree

"Thanks" Kaito whispered

"No worries" Sabo whispered back and upon closer inspection, Kaito noticed that Sabo was probably poor due to his little marks on his face.

"We are in Mt Columbo , right?" Kaito confirmed for the last time

"Correct" Sabo whispered back

"Luffy must have chased you" Sabo lightly laughed

"That devil wanted me to meet someone named Sabo. I was too busy" Kaito asked unaware of the look Sabo was giving him

"So what do you think of Sabo" Sabo asked with a smirk. Kaito's face was one of confusion then understanding

"Eh, probably better than Mr Freckles and Luffy" Kaito replied returning the smirk

"Mr Freckles is called Ace." Sabo raised an eyebrow

"I know, I know but it stuck," Kaito replied

"Well I think he is lost. I will leave now since I have other things to do like figure out where to live, rent a house and try to work " Kaito said standing up

"How did you end up here?" Sabo asked curiously

 Kaito walked away instantly

"Will you at least tell me your name?" Sabo suddenly said

"Kaito." Kaito replied before walking toward the jungle

'Maybe I was a bit too invasive' thought Sabo as he watched him walk away before returning to Ace and Luffy

"I was looking for Kaito" Luffy pouted

"Who is Kaito?" Ace said punching the top of Luffy's head

"The guy who saved us."

"You mean purple hair and annoying attitude?" Ace scowled

"He called you Mr Freckles!" Sabo suddenly said laughing so hard that tears fell out of his eyes

"That bastard did?" Ace said forming a fist

"You met Kaito, he is funny isn't he?" Luffy asked smiling

"He is funny but more importantly: he is mysterious. He is stronger than all of us and he doesn't want to explain how he came here." Sabo analyzed while placing his small hand on his chin

"He is also older than us" Sabo added when remembering the height, voice, height and behavior

"And  more mature" Sabo concluded


'I should probably find that Foosha Village since it could be helpful in where to live. I am not sure living in a mountain is such a good idea' thought Kaito before swiftly jumping in the air and flying with his devil fruit. As he looked around, he could see a faraway village so he started walking towards it

'It's too damn far' he thought as he walked for about an hour before reaching the village. The village looked well built and pretty normal except for the fact that some people were running around screaming meaning there was trouble to be taken care of. Kaito, the great human being he is, decided to run towards the danger and saw a pirate crew causing trouble. Kaito walked through the crowd and was met face to face with a pirate

"Submit to me, my name is Axel the Battle Maniac and my bounty is 10 million Beli" the big pirate  shouted while pointing his sword me who was only a meter in front

"No thank you, Wind Wave: Double Force" Kaito said sending a huge wind wave which sent Axel flying for about 10 meters. Axel laid down as he felt blood come out of his head since he did just get thrown into the ground

"I surrender, please forgive me," Axel said as he crawled on the ground and Kaito complied walking away.

Axel would survive if it wasn't for his pride and arrogance which caused him to attempt to shoot Kaito out of anger right after begging for forgiveness

"I would have let you survive. Too bad" Kaito said

"Wind Wave: Triple" Kaito shouted before throwing an even bigger wind-wave ( all wind waves are not visible to anyone unless they are extreme) which instantly killed the man

"The boy saved us!" a villager suddenly shouted pointing at me

"But he is scary!" another said instantly bringing Kaito down so he decided to look for somewhere to drink juice or something. 

He found a bar with a decent amount of customers and entered. To the left, three pirates were sitting together. One was tall , had red hair, and used swords evident from his scabbard

Another had a gun in his trousers and was fat

Another was silent while watching the other two

"Isn't that the boy who defeated Axel very easily?" a man said causing every person in the bar to turn to look at me who looked bored

"Is that true, man you are funny!" the red-haired man said turning to look at me which made Kaito realise something

'That man is Red Haired Shanks' he realised

"Who are you?" Kaito suspiciously asked

"You get a medal" Shanks joked

"Why so tense" Shanks said as he slung an arm around Kaito. Kaito flinched

"Perhaps it's the fact you are a pirate " Kaito sarcastically said.

"Waiter, can I ask. Is there work in this village?" Kaito suddenly asked causing the kind waiter to turn to look at him

"There is work but I doubt they would employ someone as young as you. Since they said you are strong, I would suggest you hunt and sell the meat to make a living." the waiter suggested

"I see. Thank you" Kaito thanked "can I please have water" to which the waiter nodded

"If I remember correctly, you two are Lucky Roo and Ben Beckman?" Kaito  said trying to recall their names

"Correct again!" Shanks said as he slapped his  back a little roughly causing Kaito to trip. Before Kaito could fall face first, he commanded the wind to push him back to his fist causing everyone in the bar to look at him in amazement

"How did you do that!" Shanks asked childishly excitement evident in his eyes

"Why on earth would I tell you" Kaito raised an eyebrow

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