Chapter 10: Beginning of Dreams

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Two weeks have passed since 'the incident'. In all of that time, I managed to dye my hair. Learn basic map skills, learn basic medicine and bandage skills

In the space of two weeks, I managed to do all of that as well as pack a week's worth of food and some resources.

It was finally time to say goodbye to this island. The date was the 23rd of July

A/N: Please keep in mind that a decent amount of time passed in between each event

As much as I wanted to keep my pride and not say goodbye to any of them. I knew it would bite (back? No bad words remember) 

I had my bag on my shoulders. My mask was on my face but raised to show my face. A big coat on as I looked for Sabo, Ace, and Luffy. One last time, I walked back into Dadan's house to give her my farewell since she was pretty nice

"Dadan-san. It's goodbye so I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done" I said hugging her as she looked up from her newspaper. She hesitantly hugged me back as she wept. I rubbed her back soothingly

"In the time I spent here. I will remember you as a mother of sorts" I said smiling

"Just go, brat," Dadan said crying her eyes out. I nodded before embracing her one last time.

"I will miss you," I said pulling away suddenly as she nodded 

"Do you know where those three are?" I asked as she hesitantly said

"They told me not to tell you but they are at that stupid treehouse they built," Dadan said and I felt slightly sadder

"Should I say goodbye?" I asked and she nodded. I left the house and started slowly walking to the treehouse. After 5 minutes which is generally 2 of walking, I made it there and I quickly climbed the ladder

"You three, I want to say goodbye," I said knowing they would probably be here somewhere

All of them emerged from the bushes. Ace had an apathetic face, Sabo was slightly sad while Luffy was on the verge of tears

"Goodbye?" Luffy echoed as I nodded "You got new hair" he said running towards me and trying to touch my hair so I slightly leaned down

"I will be sailing. I will try to become a marine or Shichibukai.

"How will you not get lost," Sabo asked with his eyebrow raised. I felt slightly happy knowing he still cared

"I have been reading map books as well as medical books... I have been doing anything that would make my journey easier" I replied 

Luffy suddenly threw his arms around me. I gave a small smile before returning the gesture

I felt my coat being wet and then realized he was crying

"Why are you crying? It's not like I will die" I said causing him to cry harder

"Don't get snot on my beautiful coat" I said annoyed as he pulled away

"I will miss you too," I said patting Luffy's head. He instantly leaned into my touch

"You know. I came to also say goodbye to you too. I know you don't want to talk to me Ace but I know I would regret it if I didn't even say goodbye. I said while pointing to the sky

Ace merely turned away from me and said

"You know my answer" in an annoyed voice. I nodded my head as I had a blank face. On the outside, I felt great sadness but I dismissed it as was expected. Sabo slowly walked toward me and I did the same. We both stared at each other for a hot minute before he reluctantly put his arms around my waist since he was shorter. I did the same but to his chest

"I will miss you" I whispered and he nodded

"Ace, make sure you don't die," I said as he nodded. I quickly put on my mask on

"Well farewell," I said walking away. 10kg bags on shoulders, coat flapping around me as I walked towards the direction of a boat supplier. I had enough money for a pretty good ship since I did hunt for months as well as run away with the money.  

I arrived there after kicking about 30 rocks and he had a lot of good ships in his possession

"How much is that ship?" I asked pointing to a big boat

Ignore the people 

"5 million Beli," the tall bulky man said

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"5 million Beli," the tall bulky man said

"Very well," I said taking the money out of my bag and reluctantly handing it to him. He gave me the permission to take the boat

"Take care of her. She is sturdy" the man said before waving me off. I waved back before I noticed three familiar boys waving at me. Luffy was putting effort into it by smiling as well as waving hard he hit the others who were clearly complaining as they waved at me too. Even Ace. He was waving while trying hard not to smile

After a couple of seconds of staring, I waved back and smiled. Sabo returned the smile

I forgot that they can't see my face but oh well

I think we made up. I hope we made up but no matter. I need to sail anyway. I can probably use the ' I didn't know you wanted me back' excuse when I saw them again

I read books on sailing but it looked way harder. I felt a breeze at 3 o clock and unfurled the sails making me go very fast. I yawned feeling sleepy then laid down carelessly letting the boat go wherever it wants

I woke up rubbing my eyes. I quickly stood up and stretched before looking at my log pose hoping it would point me to an island then remembered what was written on the book

"All poses are only useful in the Grand Line. They do not change when used on any sea other than the Grand Line"

In front of me, stood a big beautiful island which I couldn't wait to visit. I made my way to the shore after some minutes of weak wind and quickly docked my boat. I started walking feeling the morning afternoon breeze on my face. I took money out of my pockets and treaded on the big street looking for something interesting. I was very bored and that was the only reason I was here

I had everything I needed and I was here seeking adventure and ( very surprisingly) boredom. As I trudged down the big street, I suddenly bumped into something hard and raised my eyes to see a tall man with red shades. He wore a creepy smile as he looked at me

"Are you okay? Fufufufu" the tall man asked

I nodded and said "Sorry for bumping into you, I was being careless" 

"Do you know what island we are in?" I added tilting my head 

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