Chapter 13: Acceptance

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A/N: I realise that I am not being very descriptive in my works so I will try to actually describe the scenery, character gestures, postures and such. I mean- I always look at my work and wonder. How can someone write 80 chapters and the story not ending without dragging the story. I find that's because they actually describe the scenery

Who knew?

I woke up with the feeling of a small headache. I looked around to see I was in a beautiful room with blue walls and some very creepy looking posters that all had a picture of Doflamingo and text complimenting him. I felt the urge to vomit when I read 'Good parent' but quickly resisted it. I slowly stood up and opened the wooden door which surprisingly was pink. 

Pink wasn't exactly the 'I am a Warlord and you might die if you are an intruder' vibe but it was fine nonetheless. The door creaked very loudly and for a second- I thought I had woken up the others. Surprisingly, no-one seemed to make any move since I couldn't hear anything but the silence of the captivating  moonlit night. I could hear an occasional bird hoot or doing some weird sound I can't explain  but that's about all

I quickly made my way to the ships deck, each step making noise as I was trying my hardest to not wake up the crew. I quickly sat near the bottom of the mast of Doflamingo's ship while staring at the sky

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around and punched the intruder. Surprisingly, instead of an intruder- was my 'dad' or 'Cora-san' depending on who you asked. Law was just behind Corazon glaring at me. That kid has some deadly glares. If he received a devil fruit that increased his glares, I think he could easily kill Shanks. I shudder at the thought of how powerful this kid could be

"What are you doing up, so early?" Corazon asked and I tilted my head, curiosity probably gleaming in my eyes

"I couldn't sleep. How about you?" I asked and he hesitated before fiddling with his hands

"Me too." he said quietly. Law looked like he wanted to give the old man a piece of his mind but quickly closed his mouth

"I really doubt it but take a seat." I said patting the ground next to me. Corazon reluctantly sat down while Law sat to his right, clearly not wanting to be in the middle. Corazon and I were eye level- OK maybe that was a lie

It was more like eye to chin level....ok that was a lie too. I reached the bottom of his neck in height while sat down. 

"Kaito. Do you plan on being a pirate?" Corazon asked honestly causing me to hum before saying

"I'm not sure. I've always wanted to be a marine but I can't really do that since I doubt they would actually let me in without removing my mask. Pirate sounds really criminal-like and Father would probably disown me if he found out but I think if I became a Shichibukai by defeating one of the pirates- I would be a marine of sorts" I said explaining my thoughts

"I would really like for both of you to leave this ship and never come back" Corazon said causing me to tilt my head

"Why?" I asked confused. I thought he actually liked me. I am a good listener, a good-

"I wouldn't want you to become a pirate. Pirate are pretty evil, if you ask me" he said slightly glaring at us

"But then again, I am pretty biased since I am a marine. Just know that all pirates are evil. You two seem innocent" while he said 'innocent', he just looked at Law. Ouch

I stood up before raising my eyebrows giving him the 'You know my answer' look which made him slightly scowl before having a softer face

"You need to understand that you will be accepted by your father if you go now. You haven't been gone for that long" Corazon said looking at me with pleading eyes

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