Chapter 4: Restraint

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They all looked at me like I had just...well they just looked at me aggressively. Allow me to correct myself. Ace looked at me aggressively

"Why don't you train us?" Luffy complained

"Yes, why don't you?" Sabo asked with slightly pleading eyes

"How about this, I promise to protect you all in my presence- you can become strong on your own" I offered and Luffy nodded

"So you will protect me?" he asked with a small smile while I simply nodded

"But we want to be strong, you brat" Ace scowled

"It's either that or nothing," I said amused by his anger

"Why do you have a big bag?" Luffy asked innocently

"Because I need to carry things and it helps me do that" I explained in layman terms while he nodded 

"What do you carry in there?" Sabo asked suspiciously

"Important Things" I said hoping he would get the message" he nodded understanding I wasn't willing to talk more.

"Just tell us" Ace scowled

"No." I replied instantly

"Please tell us" Luffy asked with pleading eyes "It must be meat?"

"Brat, he doesn't want to tell you. He probably won't tell us no matter how much we ask" Ace said standing up and Sabo following him. Luffy surprisingly just kept looking at me

"Aren't you going to follow them?" I asked pointing to Ace and Sabo

"Don't give us the load, brat" Ace said angrily while I simply laughed

"That's pretty funny. I am pretty sure Luffy is lighter than you." I said through laughter as they walked away -Ace stomping the ground

I don't know about you, but the sight of an angry stomping Ace was clearly amusing to me

"So, aren't you going to follow them. They are your brothers after all?" I asked tilting my head while he simply shaked his head

"They are so mean" Luffy complained

"Well I am probably gonna explore. You are gonna have to go with them" I said standing up and stretching.

"Why can't I come?" he pouted and crossed his arms

"Because it's not safe for you and I would need to protect you." I instantly replied shooing him away. He grabbed my arm and suddenly said

"Older brothers need to protect their little brothers" Luffy said leaving me shocked

"Wait a minute. We are not brothers" I said in a firm tone leaving a crying Luffy who ran towards the direction of Ace and Sabo

Was I that harsh? Maybe I should have been softer but it is true. That kid can't go making someone he just met his brother, he should really learn that- the easy way or the hard way.

Why do I feel so guilty? He looked innocent. I touched my shoulder feeling my scar. That was the annoying part of that stupid evil care takers abillity. Her stupid healing completely heals the scar but leaves scars for only yourself to see.

I would  break his innocence if he ever saw my scars. I decided to talk a walk since it was about to be sunset and I had absolutely nothing to do since I had no company.

My social skills really suck , don't they? First I try to be nice then fail miserably. Then I ruin the only 'good' relationship I have ever had in an instant. Should I apologise? When should you apologise? Why is apologising so hard?

All questions that remained un-answered while I walked in the Sunset for a while that seemed like it was hours. I needed to make sure that they didn't rely on me too much. I had to leave them

But would leaving them be too much?

Would leaving ever be justified?

Would I do the same thing my father did to me to these children.

Would I be the one to break their innocence

I certainly don't want to.

I went from taking a walk to fully flying for a couple of minutes

Think, Kaito. Think. Would leaving them be good?

It would make them more mature, less naive. Likely stronger mentally . Would they even care if they noticed I was avoiding them? Would they notice my prescence missing

Surely they wouldn't. After all, I had only met them 1 day ago. Surely they wouldn't get attached to someone like me? I didn't deserve love, did I?

If I deserved love, surely the person who was supposed to cherish me like no other- surely that person would love me

And they don't. So what chances have I got of ever getting any love or even friendships with some kids I met yesterday

I would just get broken if I allowed them in. I don't want to get broken so I will have to do my best to distance myself. Do I want to give them a chance even though I am likely to be left broken, and rot.

If the question is 'Do I want to?'. Surely not! That would be like asking a pig if he wanted to be slaughtered.

I was flying this whole time but my mind was being eaten by this single question

"Do I want to?" and of course it was an instant no. Ace clearly doesn't like me. Sabo seems to be suspicious and Luffy seems to be the odd one out- he is the only one who I think would react negativity.

I suddenly felt a tear come out of my eye and I quickly wiped it realising that I was crying. I heard voices talking in the distance and I decided to slowly lower myself to the ground, as close as I could to the voices without getting noticed.  So my best chance was standing on the branches of a big tree

I widened my eyes at the scene

Sabo and Ace arguing while opening some kind of dirt camouflaged little opening which revealed masses of treasure.

"This will all go into our pirate savings!" Ace said proudly

"We took so long to steal this much" Sabo agreed with twinkling eyes

"Yet you are saying things like that loudly" I said jumping out of the tree I was hiding in with an emotionless face

"You were watching all of that?" Sabo said nervously

"We have to kill him. We can't have wasted all those years collecting the money" Ace said picking out a gun out of his pockets and slowly; with shaking hands- pointing it at me

"I always knew I wasn't wanted but damn..." I muttered

"Shoot me." I said which shocked them

"It's not like you can hurt me anymore than I have been hurt." I gave them a sad smile, filled with pain  they widened their eyes. This felt like some sort of deja vu

"You can try to shoot me but the wind will simply stop it." I said holding my arms out as if offering an option

"You cannot kill me, not even 2 on 1. But luckily for you, I don't have any plans to tell anybody else" I said as I turned around and started walking. I have to say

It hurt.

It really hurt

How they were willing to point the gun at me? Me who considered actually staying here and protecting them

Giving them what I couldn't ever get


I was hurting. I knew I was hurting. I was scared that if I let anyone into my shell, they would make my shell even stronger . And I was proven right a couple of minutes ago

I don't have any reason to stay in this Island. If anything, there should be work elsewhere

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