Chapter 3: Annoying Pirates

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"Why so tense" he asked me again smiling and I simply stayed silent. Suddenly, I felt something come at Shanks so I used wind to stop the bullet and send it back outside

"So cool!" Shanks said while clapping his hands

"Aren't you worried about your life." I scolded and he simply shaked his head

"I had a feeling you would save me!" Shanks said while I simply lost my temper

"Let me get this right: You decided to risk your life on a gut feeling" I said calming myself down remembering who I was in the prescence of

"Well yeah" he rubbed his neck realising how dumb that was. I sighed

"Maybe I should have let that the bullet hit him" I muttered loud enough for them to hear and Lucky Roux started laughing uncontrollably

"I agree" Ben Beckman said quietly

"So mean" Shanks pouted in a corner

"Why did you help him anyway?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow

"I don't know myself. I mean, you all are pirates after all" I replied drinking the juice the waiter gave me

"So you tell me you saved us without knowing why? You risked your life for that" one of his crew sarcastically replied while I simply sat there quietly

"Do you have anything better to do rather than annoy me" I said irritated 

"Annoy who?" Shanks innocently asked

"Nevermind" I replied tired of this man but putting up with him so I could drink my juice. 

"Red Haired Shanks. You don't have a devil fruit, do you" I asked Shanks with a smirk

"No, why?" Shank said with a smile. I was instantly brought down

"I would have liked to drown you in the sea." I replied and he simply laughed

"Not possible!" Shanks said loudly causing his crew to laugh loudly

"Are you a pirate?" Shanks said causing me to go into hysterical laughing.

 I laughed so hard I was running out of breath

"Are you okay?" Shanks said confused

"Wait, I aint finished" I said as I regained my composure. Then bursted out again

"Are you sure you are okay?" Shanks said concerned

"Just give me one more minute" I said between laughter. After a couple of minutes of crazed laughing and their crew watching me

"No. I am not a pirate." I said finally with a huge smile on my face "But that was a really funny joke" I said wiping my tears

"So what are you?" Shanks asked again

"Hm, I don't trust pirates enough to tell you" I said honestly

"Why?" he pouted and I simply answered

"Consider it a blessing that I am talking to you" I said with my eyebrow raised as he simply lowered his head while anime tears came out of his eyes

"Did your captain get a concussion?" I said sarcastically causing his crew to laugh

"But to answer your question. I don't know what to consider myself but I guess traveller would be the best term as of now" I said putting my hand on my chin in consideration

"Very well. I will probably go hunt and sell some of the meat. Enjoy your booze" I said as I walked out but not before getting a super tight forceful hug from Shanks.

"You don't have to break my ribs you know" I said as he hugged me with great pressure. His muscular arms practically knocking the wind out of me

"Sorry, sorry" Shanks said letting me go. I was practically on the exit before feeling an arm on my wrist so I turned around to be face to face with Shanks once again

"You never told me your name" he laughed

"Oh, I never did. It's Kaito" I said laughing along 

"No last name?" Shanks questioned

"When the time comes, I will reveal it" I said as he let my wrist go allowing me to leave. I decided to be weird for one second so I turned around and gave them a genuine smile as well as wave before turning back around and walking.

"One last thing, if a kid named Luffy ever asks you if you met me- say no" Shanks pleaded and I simply raised my fist in a thumbs up while walking. I walked back into Mt Columbo but not before hunting. Not not one , not two, not three...ok this will take forever I hunted 10 tigers and lifted them with my devil fruit before bringing them behind a  massive tree which I decided was going to be my new home...after building a treehouse of course

I felt a tug and I woke up to see Luffy smiling at me in a creepy way and Mr. Freckles scowling at me as well as Sabo looking at me fiercely but kindness was present in his eye

I quickly stretched before asking "Do you need anything?" I asked and Luffy instantly nodded

"Can you train us to be strong? I will become the Pirate King so I need to be strong" Luffy asked as he tried flexing

"What about you two?" I asked pointing to Ace and Sabo and Ace spat

"I will become the Pirate King and you better teach me to be strong" he scowled

"I would like to become strong to become a pirate," said Sabo as he raised his fist in the air

"I won't train any of you," I said coldly while looking at them

"Why?" Luffy started complaining, Ace looked like he was ready to fight me  while Sabo looked kind of shocked

"Why you brat" Ace said angrily

"I have no reason to train three random kids who I barely know anything about. Secondly, all of you want to be pirates while I am a traveler. Thirdly, one of you is a brat" I said eyeing Ace who scowled at me

"How dare you," he said angrily

"Watch your tongue, weakling," I said cheekily smiling

"So I will not be training any of you" I said walking before walking away

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