Chapter 11: Kindness

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looking for something interesting. I was very bored and that was the only reason I was here

I had everything I needed and I was here seeking adventure and ( very surprisingly) boredom. As I trudged in the big street, I suddenly bumped into something hard and raised my eyes to see a tall man with red shades, he had a long extravagant pink feather coat. He wore a creepy smile as he looked at me

"Are you okay? Fufufufu" the creepy tall man asked

I nodded and said "Sorry for bumping into you, I was being careless"

"Do you know what island we are in?" I asked politely and he answered

"I believe we are in...Loguetown" the tall man said pausing to check with himself

"I see, thank you," I said awkwardly 

"It's no problem at all. I'm Donquixote Doflamingo, who might you be?" Doflamingo asked he held his hand out. I stared at it before understanding what he meant. I shook it with my gloved hands

"Kaito," I said in an emotionless voice. I don't quite know why I always felt the need to change my personality around strangers but that is another talk for another day

"Kaito-Kun. Might I ask what you are doing here?" Doflamingo asked an unnerving smile present on his face

"Visiting," I said truthfully my gaze looking up to see his. His height was meant to be intimidating yet I didn't really care

"You don't know who I am, do you," Doflamingo said a sly smile on his face.  I shook my head

"A pirate?" I asked in a tone that sounded like I was talking to myself

"Correct, but not just any pirate." Doflamingo continued with that smile plastered on his face as he took a step forward. He suddenly leaned down so we were at eye level and said

"Not just any pirate, a Shichibukai" Doflamingo said and I raised my eyebrow

"You seriously didn't know? Are you seriously that oblivious?" Doflamingo asked raising an eyebrow 

"Maybe-" I said but was interrupted as a woman ran behind Doflamingo and tugged on his arm. Doflamingo swiftly turned around to look at her. I stepped to the side to get a good look at her.

She was a woman who didn't look much older than me but somehow had a cigarette in her mouth. She had beautiful blue shoulder-length hair that was clearly looked after and had a blue shirt with white cuffs. 

"Doffy, Buffalo hurt himself again" the woman complained. Ah so a crew member- does every member dress so well

"Tell him to be careful and to bandage himself" 'Doffy' replied in an 'obviously' tone

"But we don't have bandages or alcohol or someone who can actually bandage" the woman replied frustrated

"Why don't we buy some?" Doflamingo asked the woman who nodded. They were about to walk before I grabbed Doflamingo's wrists

"Wait, Doflamingo," I said causing him to turn around

"I know how to bandage and I have some alcohol if you would want me to bandage that guy" I said really wondering why the hell I was doing this

"Hmm..that would save us some time. Very well, follow me" Doflamingo said turning to smirk at me before walking straight. The girl walked beside him shoulder to shoulder while I was behind him

"You didn't introduce yourself, you know" the girl raised her eyebrows

"Kaito" I replied robotically not wanting to give any information that wasn't absolutely needed. She turned to give me a weird look then proceeded to happily stroll beside Doflamingo

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