Chapter 15:Hope

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So here I am, after having "borrowed" a boat from Doflamingo.

 The daylight illuminated the ocean and all I could feel was gratefulnessSurely, you might expect me to be sad as I am straying further and further from the life I used to consider normal but as I looked at the sun, all I could feel was gratefulness for being alive, for not dying a horrible death, for leading my adventure.

But of course, like the triumphant great person I am- I decided to "just keep breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin" and keep living. The cold air was refreshing and suddenly quite comforting as it was reminding me of my father. 

Despite having obvious flaws, he was still a great father if I do say so myself. I started rowing forward faster, eager to reach a new destination sooner. Fast forward to about 2 hours later, and I could see the taunting outline of a new island. 

The air appeared to be warmer, which I found to be a burden rather than a blessing. Time flew and I found myself docking my rather petite yet beautiful sailboat walking forward and finding a local who was overflowing with joy. 

Curiously I asked, "What is making you happy?"The man replied with genuine happiness which disgusted me 

"There will be a slave auction tomorrow with better merchandise than today!"The man repulsed me. That was a huge understatement- my blood boiled and I wanted nothing to do but teach this man some human rights. So...that's what I did, just not the way I envisioned it to be

"Do you think people deserve to be slaves, treated as nothing but items- yet having a completely conscious mind which has emotions, feelings, and ideas?" I asked the man while observing him carefully

"Are you out of your mind, you ignorant fool? Fishman doesn't count as people" the man answered with great anger at that moment that I decided he was too far astray to change his mind so I asked him one more important question

"Where will the slave auction be held?" I demanded while turning around so my back was in his direction 

"South from here, in a small village known as the Devil's Land" the man answered with a cautious and terrified voice. I marched forward with great speed and managed to arrive at "Devil's Land" by dawn. However, since I was lazy and had absolutely nothing to do- I decided to just rent a small room to sleep in for a day. I was still unsure of what to do regarding the auction. 

Sure, I disagreed with selling anyone for money but it would result in me gaining a bounty. I  fell into deep slumber before ever realizing that I was tired waking up to the sunlight from my window taunting me, making me have an epiphany ( the Taylor swift in me makes me have good vocab lmao- just a realization, that's what an epiphany is)

that the room I rented had no curtains. Pain surged through me as I took notice of my sleeping position. I had no pillow. 

Oh, how stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to the uses of the world. I woke up despite a lack of energy. Of course, I instantly left the room for some fresh air. The morning breeze struck my face prompting me to run back to the room and get a fur coat from my bag. 

I felt instant warmth as soon as I put it on and I stood there for a minute, just hugging my coat- before realizing I had something to do. I made my way outside and the first thing I saw were crowds. I was very confused so I had to go near the crowds." Bids for the Fishman? Selling at 10,000,000 yen?. Selling at 10,000,000?" an arrogant man said while flashing grins at the crowds and holding a hammer uncomfortably close to a gold plate. I do not know where I found the strength or the courage to act yet the time was now felt true rage. 

I was about to "kick some butt" for more appropriate terms

The crowds started dispersing, clearly alarmed by the sudden man charging toward the auctioneer sly man. I'm gonna call him a snake. Snake just started calling his bodyguards, who stood protectively in front of him so I ran towards them, kicked them, and said "Look What You Made Me Do" before taking my assault to the auctioneer who's sneer was replaced by fear

"Please don't kill me" Snake pleaded with terrified eyes. However, I held no pity for ignorant fools.

"I won't kill you however you must promise me to never come back here ever again," I said while pointing my sword up to his neck. In truth, I didn't respect scum but I was no killer either- my intentions were never to kill this man. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a child with a blank expression just staring at me. I looked down and saw his fettered ankles and hands. I also saw the key which was right next to me. I at that moment, knew that the world was corrupt- for making a small child suffer just because he was a Fishman. 

"Don't take my merchandise" A fat man said while pointing a gun at me

"Merchandise?" I asked unsure of what he meant

"Stupid man. I meant slave" I could hear the sick smile in this pathetic human's voice. He tried to shoot at me but I made sure to redirect the bullet towards his non-lethal organs. I heard a satisfying scream before walking away

I have decided to (please tell me you have noticed) reference songs within the story

I'm curious to see which people have noticed

And here's to me, officially becoming a swiftie like a month ago but alas it is never too late

PS: no I am not actually this formal IRL. thank you for asking

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