Chapter 6:Bad Blood

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"Let me go" I repeated scowling

"No," Luffy said eyeing me completely calmly

"Don't make me let you go" I threatened and while I felt slightly guilty, it wasn't enough to cover my anger

He suddenly looked at me scared and started to cry. I just walked away. Each step was very hard to take because I wanted to be with them. I yet I knew that they would just push me away if they knew they were talking with a marine admiral's son. They do want to be pirates after all

Even if they did give me love? Would I want to feel love from future pirates? I will get attached easily so why try to make friends or brothers with pirates. Pirates who I would get attached to and protect. When I wanted to be a marine

I doubt I could give ever be a marine without wearing a mask. I mean, I definitely wasn't ready to face my father but I guess I should if I ever decide to be a marine.

Sure he might be an idiot, an inconsiderate father, a father who believes his wife over his son, a father who couldn't be bothered to even check his son's back for injuries

Okay, I am sure you get the point. But I know deep down he is good. He just got influenced by that woman

Come to think of it. I don't think I have ever said her name

Why was I thinking so much when I just took a walk to freshen my mind. I like that phrase

I decided to do my favorite hobby.


Note: It took me so long to find an appropriate song but here we go 

Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy, I
I knew you
Leavin' like a father
Running like water, I
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing

I sang without a care in the world. I have to say. I always sang when I was feeling down which was practically everyday back when I was living with 'her'. So I had really good lung capacity. I suddenly heard a gasp behind me and turned to see Sabo

"Were you standing there the whole time?" I asked slightly defensive

"Yes." he said slightly guilty "Your voice is really beautiful, you know" he said causing me to be embarrased

"Thank you" I said quietly looking down embarrased. I don't think I have ever sung in front of anyone

"I wanted to say...sorry. For real, I realize now that it was wrong to point the gun at you. We were just scared you would tell anyone else since you are very mysterious. We still shouldn't have done it and we are sorry" Sabo said in a sorry tone. Then I realized

"We?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"ACE" Sabo shouted and Ace decided to get out of his bush

"I thought you told me you would be behind me," Sabo complained

"I lied," Ace said straightforwardly with a small smile on his lips

"I don't know if I can forgive you. I am more sad than angry" I said brutally honest

"Give me some time," I said trying to smile but failing miserably

"Ace, how long were you there?" I asked annoyed

"I heard your terrible singing" he teased 

"Thanks," I said without a care. Sabo suddenly sat down

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