Chapter 7: Suspicion

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I had lived with Ace,Sabo and Luffy for about 3 months. My daily routine consisted of hunting then selling. Theirs was stealing then more stealing and then coming home expecting food. It was tiring but it made me stronger. Currently, Ace wanted to hunt with me which was unusual. It was early in the morning and I wanted more sleep but decided to sacrifice that for him. We got out together and started walking under the scorching sun

The trees occasionally dropped little blue drops  that usually hit Ace since he had low awareness. I then wondered something. I asked Sabo who his parents was and he immediately said that he was adopted. I was slightly suspicious but dismissed it trusting Sabo. I asked Luffy and he said he didn't know his parents

What would Ace's reaction be?

"Ace." I called causing him to stop and me bumping into him again

"What?" he asked with a softer expression since he first met me

"You have parents? Are they alive?" I asked curiously . If looks could kill, I would be dead

He scowled , glared at me 

"None of your business" he said continuing to walk which caused me to follow him

"Sorry" I whispered as we stayed in uncomfortable silence. He turned to me with anger still visible on his face. Truth be told, I felt bad for getting him angry but I didn't understand how it angered him

"It's fine. Just don't ask again" he whispered back as we continued walking

"Can you hunt by yourself?" Ace asked and I nodded. He walked away from the direction I was hunting and I assumed he went home. I had very high stamina so I didn't get tired easily but I was getting bored. I started singing quietly 

"I'm just thinking bout you" I sang and boy did it sound good. I know I sound like a narcissist but I do sound good. It's only facts. I sang as I killed a tiger, as I parkoured through a cliff, as I punched a tiger. As I ate. 

Singing was my heaven. Staying silent was my hell.

I was killing time because I was bored and needed to think. Why would Ace be angry? I mean sure I did blurt out a question but why didn't he just calmly tell me 'no' or something. I mean Ace is always angry but I don't think thats the point. He looked much angrier than usual when I asked him that. Perhaps it's 'Bad blood' 

Note: You better get used to song references because I won't stop

I decided to ask Sabo when I finished- I thought as I walked slowly to the bandits home. They told me I was welcome since I brought money in and to be honest- I was growing fond to Dadan. She was like the first mother figure to me. She tried to always act tough but I knew she actually cared about all of us. She probably didn't get in the matter

"Mom, do you know where Sabo is?" I asked before covering my mouth in shock. Her mouth was hanging open so surprised

"Sorry" I apologised and bowed as I was red as a tomato

"It's fine." she said and she pointed to our room. But not before giving me tea which I love

"Thank you" I said as I walked over to the room quietly and knocked. 

"Come in" Sabo said so I opened the door.

"Can I talk to you privately?" I asked and he nodded

"So I asked Ace something and he instantly became angry. I don't have much social skills and I was hoping you could help me by telling me why he was angry" I said my eyes boring into his eyes unsure of his response

"Sure. What did you ask him?" Sabo asked and I bit my lip before saying

"I asked him if his parents were alive or not. He instantly became said and stayed silent. I apologised after but he still seems angry. Can you tell me why he is angry? Did I do something wrong subconsciously" I asked sitting on my bed and patting the spot next to me. He hesitantly sat and said suddenly

"Don't ever tell Ace I told you this since he would kill me" he warned and I slowly nodded

"Ace is Gol D Roger's son." Sabo said suddenly causing me to almost choke on my tea and spit it out

"Are you serious" I said in a shaky voice. Me, the son of a marine admiral and him the son of king pirates .

"Why are you so shaky. You know, people always mocked Ace for being his son. He absolutely hates when people mock him and expects people to do the same when they find out" Sabo said looking at me dissapointedly

"Sorry" I said as he nodded

"So he got angry because I asked a personal question" I asked and he nodded

"I think he isn't neccesarily angry at you" he explained and I felt slightly happy

"I was listening" Luffy said coming out from under the bed. I almost killed him if it wasn't for his face which reminded he was indeed Luffy and not a spider

Sabo was so shocked and immediately stood up and whispered

"You listened to everything?" Sabo asked and Luffy nodded

"Both of you. Don't tell Ace I said that. Ever" Sabo repeated and we both nodded

"Well that was all. I'l try not to annoy him" I said as I opened the door leaving. Luffy followed. We walked outside. It was around 6pm meaning the sun stopped being scorching hot and started being mildly scorching hot. I realised Ace was on a tree as we walked out

"Didn't know you were such a crybaby, Luffy" Ace teased

"Didn't know you were Gol D Roger's son" Luffy answered back in his usual voice. We both froze. 

"Really?" I said acting shocked realising that Sabo's life was on the line

Ace suddenly stood up and grabbed his pipe

"Run" Sabo said as I realised he was behind us and running

"I don't need to" I said leaning back agains't a tree while waiting for this to stop

"You knew too, didn't you?" Ace asked suspiciously

"Originally, the conversation was meant for me but Luffy eavesdropped" I said bored

"Are you bipolar?" Ace asked randomly and I raised my eyebrows. I remember reading the prescription that a doctor once told me to have. It said' Anti Bipolar Medicine' and it stopped me from being bi polar. I guess I needed the meds

"Yes" I replied honestly closing my eyes. I realised Ace probably needed comfort from what Sabo told me. I suddenly appeared and sat next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder

I mean- don't get me wrong. I sort of hate the Pirate King

"Quite frankly. I definetly accept you but your father slightly scares me. But if you were worried about us rejecting you, well then you can forget it" I said pulling him into a hug. He ate his pride and hugged me back just as surprised as me.

"You have a secret too don't you?" Ace asked and I nodded

"When you are prepared, can you tell me?" he asked and I replied

"Of course" I said while ruffling his hair while hugging. I was much taller than him and he barely went above my stomach since I received my height from my father

"You know , you don't need to act tough in front of us" I whispered and he nodded

"To be honest. At the beginning, I didn't want to associate myself with pirates. Then I find myself associating with THE son of Gol D Roger. I really don't know what to do anymore." I said while chuckling

"Why? he asked kindly for once

"I always wanted to become a marine but something happened which made me realise that both sides are wrong. Pirates aren't neccesarily evil while Marines are not neccesarily good. Meeting all of you and a specific pirate made me realise that" I said smiling remembering Shanks

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